1. sp33der

    Dual Heater Dials - heater matrix???

    Try whipping yer knob out first cos that should only take a mo! :D
  2. sp33der

    Dual Heater Dials - heater matrix???

    May be a daft answer/question but did you put the heater nob back on the right way? There are two ways it can push back on (or there are on mine!). I had the panel out of mine a week ago cos the air vent direction cable was disconnected. When i put it all back I found that one of the heater...
  3. sp33der

    380 gearbox

    Like James said and also check the bias plate or the springs maybe?
  4. sp33der

    fuse blowing

    I had fuses blowing recently - instrument panel lights, sidelights, headlamps, rear lamps. Drove me nuts til I pulled the radio out and found bare wires from previous owner's fitting that were shorting. That was my problem. It was intermittant as I guess movement of the car was causing contact...
  5. sp33der

    swap my disco for 3.0 v6 pajero??

    Hola pajero :p:D I theenk you ask thee wrong question on thees site senor!
  6. sp33der

    Disco brake problem

    Could also be wheel bearings. Does the pedal ever sink lower when you first press it, then not as far the next time?
  7. sp33der

    bye td5 hello 300tdi

    "I'm thinking about buying one and doing a nut n bolt restoration over a few years. " Surely that's standard ownership! :p
  8. sp33der

    Happy christmas.

    Blimey, you lot got nowt better to do on Christmas day than browse a car forum? HAPPY cHRISTMAS then! :p:D
  9. sp33der

    towing an automatic

    I don't think you can, not deffo though. Think if you have to, you should raise the front wheels and disconnect rear drive/prop.
  10. sp33der

    Loss of traction, skidding...

    Ok, interesting article - including the comments after it! 4WD v FWD - a surprising result in my snow test - Tester’s notes
  11. sp33der

    Loss of traction, skidding...

    I agree that my tyres may have been a little overinflated although I hadn't set 'em as high as I thought but I think I'll have to disagree that 4 wheel drive doesn't give better traction, I think it does.....and this may be a can of worms.... :eek:
  12. sp33der

    Loss of traction, skidding...

    Actually Rich (I'm Rich M too!), I did state that there was no ice and the road was damp/wet but it wasn't raining - on page 2 of this thread. I'm surprised that the car would slide so easily so I thought I'd post and see what people's thoughts were. Also, as I said, I have ordered new tyres to...
  13. sp33der

    Loss of traction, skidding...

    Not icy here! Max temp 18 degrees today and I appreciate comments about worn tyres. I wasn't raining and there was no standing water as such, just a damp surface following recent rain. I was surprised at how easy it lost traction...twice. I also take on board that the tyre pressures may be too...
  14. sp33der

    Loss of traction, skidding...

    Nearly killed me 'n the missus yesterday coming down wet/damp mountain road. I'm always careful on this road as it is very twisty (and has a feckin great drop over the edge!) and have noticed that the car is a bit twitchy on the sharper bends in the wet. We were travelling slowly, maybe 20mph on...
  15. sp33der

    Heater not working

    I had (still have!) that problem. Check that the heater hasn't been bypassed - under the bonnet are the two hoses that go thru the bulkhead to the heater still connected, or are they joined?
  16. sp33der

    'Tis the season for leccy probs! Fuses blowing - lights out - Ho ho ho

    Looks like it was a fault with the rather bodged up radio wiring (not my bodge!) Took radio out and all is ok now i think..fingers x'd.
  17. sp33der

    Complete loss of Drive!!!!

    That's what mine was, about a month ago. Splines stripped both ends. Was driving happily and slowly, there was a 'thunk' then no drive. Not the end of the world to change...unless you happen to live in Spain where you need to sell yer wife for a scrap transfer and gearbox. I'll miss her mind...
  18. sp33der

    'Tis the season for leccy probs! Fuses blowing - lights out - Ho ho ho

    Hi, yep, I assume a short or loose wire that's touching summat as I go over bumps. Last night when I looked and changed a couple of blown fuses only 1 sidelight and rear sidelight was off - plus the instrument illumination. Tonight I noticed the illumination plus both rear sidelights were off so...
  19. sp33der

    'Tis the season for leccy probs! Fuses blowing - lights out - Ho ho ho

    Evening all. I see there are a host of leccy problems posted today so here's mine! 2 days ago was driving in dark when instrument illuminations went out. Found later that left hand front and rear side lights were out. Changed 2 fuses, all ok. Wifey went out early this morning and used the side...
  20. sp33der

    What's the going rate for disco clutch replacement?

    Try getting it done in Spain! I was charged about 280 euros just for the clutch! Having said that, the total price of the job was about 650 euros which had included them taking the transfer box and gearbox out, splitting them, finding the problem, waiting for about 7 days with my unmovable car...