
New Member
Evening all. I see there are a host of leccy problems posted today so here's mine!
2 days ago was driving in dark when instrument illuminations went out. Found later that left hand front and rear side lights were out. Changed 2 fuses, all ok. Wifey went out early this morning and used the side lights, when she came back there was a fuse blown again - left hand side lights out. I changed one blown fuse again and went to get the kids. Got dark on way back so put lights on. After a few hundred yards, went over a small bump and the radio and illumination lights flickered very briefly then a hundred yards or so later, another bump and same again but this time illumination lights stayed off plus both rear lights as I found when we got home.
Any tips as to where to start please? :confused:
Sidelight problem, You got an intermitent short somewhere, I would check all the bulb holders or even change the bulbs.
If you have a towbar with electric socket I would look in the socket for dubious connections or corrosion of the terminals. Also look at the numberplate light connections.

By the rear lights both being off, do you mean the reverse lights or the rear side lights?
Sidelight problem, You got an intermitent short somewhere, I would check all the bulb holders or even change the bulbs.
If you have a towbar with electric socket I would look in the socket for dubious connections or corrosion of the terminals. Also look at the numberplate light connections.

By the rear lights both being off, do you mean the reverse lights or the rear side lights?

Hi, yep, I assume a short or loose wire that's touching summat as I go over bumps. Last night when I looked and changed a couple of blown fuses only 1 sidelight and rear sidelight was off - plus the instrument illumination. Tonight I noticed the illumination plus both rear sidelights were off so I guess the front sidelights were off too (didn't look cos I 'd been using headlamps and they still work). By rear sidelights I mean the lights in the bumper....my 'proper' rear lights, in the clusters, have not worked since I bought it but that's another story.....I think!
Looks like it was a fault with the rather bodged up radio wiring (not my bodge!) Took radio out and all is ok now i think..fingers x'd.

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