1. B

    Clutch operation - please help.

    Does sound like plate is wrong way round, replaced a bmw clutch delivered by the AA which clearly had geirbeirstraise(gearbox side) printed on it. Obviously didn't work as it was fitted to the flywheel Side. Not saying that mr clutch don't know there stuff but...........
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    Hawaii to the UK

    Hi there Hawaii & welcome Your leaking rear hub is more than likely to be the half shaft gasket
  3. B

    Hi from the southwest

    Hi mate
  4. B


    Hiya Ricky
  5. B

    Saying Hi from the Continent

    Hi there & welcome I am assuming you enjoy a bit of star gazing?
  6. B

    Hello everyone

    Hi there & welcome
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    New to site and Landrover

    Just like to say hi I had a disco 300tdi auto & it was badly abused over 10 years. Kids learning to drive in it, towing banger cars to various tracks, off tossing and not once did it let me down. Tin worm got it in the end, a sad day Enjoy it
  8. B

    Hello all first ever land rover

    Welcome to lz
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    hi from Croatia

    Hi Croatia
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    My 1st defender

    Hi there & welcome Hope you get things tidied up in the engine department, but there is an absolute wealth of knowledge from all the guys & girls on here
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    Newbie at last!!

    Well the mot went well, in fact far better than I expected considering this old 90 hadn't been on the road for 12 years........................ IT PASSED!!!!! So happy, now I can use it
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    Newbie at last!!

    It's in & running 1st turn off the key
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    Newbie at last!!

    No I'm not in the army and my wife surely wouldn't notice, a man's garage and all that's in it is his
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    Newbie at last!!

    Thursday afternoon so fingers severely crossed.
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    Newbie at last!!

    Will put pics on later today
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    Newbie at last!!

    Engine now in with a little bit of cursing, all running lights to do now & indicators and it's off for an not
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    How to find VIN without VIN plate!

    Pop in a motor factors like motor parts direct, give them your reg & they should be able to tell you the vin
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    Odd Brake actions

    Vacuum pipe on servo or the servo itself
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    New Member From Leyland

    Welcome to a very interesting bunch of persons
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    Turktown 90 300tdi CSW

    I'm new here too & they all seem a lovely bunch, just like to say welcome & that's a very nice Landy I'm in romsey