
Hi there,
I just found this forum while looking for a European place to ask questions about my 110. It's going to need a bit of work and love, so lots of questions coming up from a newbie :)
Hi there,
I just found this forum while looking for a European place to ask questions about my 110. It's going to need a bit of work and love, so lots of questions coming up from a newbie :)
Hi there, I am viewing from my phone so limited detail - where are you from
Hi there, I am viewing from my phone so limited detail - where are you from

Hi there,

I'm originally Swiss, but live between Germany and Spain at the moment. It's a bit of a mess as we're still trying to figure out where we'll end up permanently, but we've been moving all over the world. In the last year I've lived in Melbourne, Munich, Cologne, and Barcelona.
Hi there,

I'm originally Swiss, but live between Germany and Spain at the moment. It's a bit of a mess as we're still trying to figure out where we'll end up permanently, but we've been moving all over the world. In the last year I've lived in Melbourne, Munich, Cologne, and Barcelona.
Sounds interesting. We have a home near Malaga - so welcome and let us know where you settle
Cool, will do, thank you. We are buying a house near Barcelona soon as a part-time residence, and I am hoping to again use the truck for its intended purpose, lugging my telescopes around the countryside. We're planning a road trip to Marrakesh at some point, so might stop by!

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