1. D

    My New 4x4

    Sorry i was wrong its not a thousand times better, you are right, its a million times better
  2. D

    My New 4x4

    Thanks for all your advice chaps, on your advice now got rid of that sh## freelander, have now bought a new 4x4 which is a thousand times better than any land rover you can by, is far superior than any landrover ever built, it drives on all four, it tackles any terrain, except when it does'nt...
  3. D

    Take Note

    When I first came on this forum, I thought you bastards, but you know what? I was wrong you were all right, can honestly sat that there is nothing good about the1.8 petrol thingylander. TO ANYBODY THINKING ABOUT BUYING ONE DON'T BOTHER!
  4. D

    Take Note

    I guess the thread i posted earlier didn't come out ( just as well), Guys thanks for your help but it's gone and as for the previous owner, well, he'll get his come uppance (hope i'm there to see it)
  5. D

    Take Note

    **** loads of money later on diognostic machines including LR and supposedly having the head gasket, fuel pump changed, etc and now more problems, the original problem is still there (sorry was) it's gone sold it, and spent the whole fifty two pound i got for it on beer. Rip ****mobile!
  6. D

    Take Note

    If you ae new to this forum, take note what the guy's on here are saying (mainly 1.8 petrol) DON'T BUY IT if you have send it back unless you have money to burn and in which case if you have snd it to me! Cheers everyone goodluck to you all and hey Merry xmas (bah humbug):) :( :confused: :mad...
  7. D

    Thanks all

    Ok a couple of people have suggested a new thread trying to pinpoint the problem, here goes: I bought this thing (18. petrol ****box freelander) a week ago, the previous owner says he hade the thermostate removed (but does not no which one) because he was told they can suffer from overheating...
  8. D

    What should i do?

    Ps: Women And Child Free
  9. D

    What should i do?

    for Sale ****lander Mint Conditon Absolutley Perfect Nothing Wrong With It Your Honour £10,000. Ono
  10. D

    What should i do?

    I didn't mean what should I do about him (what goes round comes round and all that, as i said i'm a plumber and xmas morning he will wake up with no water or gas). What do I do about the ****lander shall I get the head gasket done or is this bull**** advise?:confused:
  11. D

    What should i do?

    Well been round to previous owners house, he swears blind that this problem never happened to him (maybe he never drove it long enough) but anyhow the best he could do was offer half the money towards the repair as he explained that he had bought another vehicle and did not have any money and by...
  12. D

    ok I messed up

    satisfaction, quite like to shoot him!
  13. D

    ok I messed up

    threatened him with this and his reply was full of apologies said he honestly was not aware of the problem (bull****) and if i sued him etc he could only afford £20 per month
  14. D

    ok I messed up

    he has spent the money on a reliant robin or coffin or something like that, seriously he has not got the money anymore bought another vehicle(bastard) guess i have to repair the fuc##r before getting rid
  15. D

    ok I messed up

    Thankyou all for your help and advice, been to two different garages and loads that did not know anything about this vehicle or refused to work on it, hmmm, anyway seems like guess what the problem is, the frigging "HEAD GASKET" can't belive it. I always thought that the temperature gauge...
  16. D

    guess im stuck

    He was a private dealer, the temp gauge reads just under half way (normal) and does not go any higher
  17. D

    guess im stuck

    Cheers guys again, the person i bought it from is basically saying sold as seen so f##k off, as for the humming from the fuel pump it is constant, the only thing the other owner said was that he had the thermostate removed because he was told they have overheating problems and what i have told...
  18. D

    guess im stuck

    Cheers for that, strange thing is i took it on the motorway and it drove without a proplem although iwas only on it for approx 10 mins it seems to be round town when the proplem occurs! With the fuel pump priming does this constantly stay on excuse my ignorance.
  19. D

    guess im stuck

    Ok all comments taken, legally i cant take the car back and get my money back, so im stuck with it, maybe i have made a mistake buying this car but that does'nt help me at the momment, any advice on what the proplem could be i would appreciate and i dont mean the problem is i bought the car i...
  20. D

    Help please

    Cheers for the help and advice guys, it started with no proplems this morning so loaded the shotgun and shall taking it back to where I bought it :mad: Darren