darren smith

New Member
Well been round to previous owners house, he swears blind that this problem never happened to him (maybe he never drove it long enough) but anyhow the best he could do was offer half the money towards the repair as he explained that he had bought another vehicle and did not have any money and by taking him to court he would only be able to afford £20 a week (no good to me) so after breaking his jaw (I wish).

Anyway a guy at the local garage swears its the head gasket, I find this strange although maybe he is right because i have now found out that the fan seems to stay on longer than it should and this guy felt the top hose and said for such a short journey that I had done the hose was very hard causing pressure to build up etc, what do you think? Problem is I am prepared to swallow i have bought a wrongen (is that spelt right oh well you know what i mean) but I can't afford to pay for a head gasket and to find out I stil have the same problem, now getting **** from her indoors (told you i shouldn't of bought it etc) time to reload the shotgun one for her and one for me!
if its a private sale you can't do anything - other than sulk fer a while and learn from yer mistakes
if its a private sale you can't do anything - other than sulk fer a while and learn from yer mistakes

Yer fooking wet blanket send some psycho bastid round there to give him a good hiding and take his new car off him and any thing else he's got that's worth taking.

Or if that's a bit too scary for you. Take him to the small claims court. and if you win sell the debt to a debt collection agency. That way you'll get your money and the debt collection agency, will collect the dosh off him. And it's fully legal.
or go round and run the car through his house and clame the car wouldn't stop due to it being a wrongun
buyer beware - one mans word against the other - small claims court is a complete waste of time

think yer other suggestions are illegal, theft/GBH etc

each to their own eh ....
I didn't mean what should I do about him (what goes round comes round and all that, as i said i'm a plumber and xmas morning he will wake up with no water or gas). What do I do about the ****lander shall I get the head gasket done or is this bull**** advise?:confused:
I didn't mean what should I do about him (what goes round comes round and all that, as i said i'm a plumber and xmas morning he will wake up with no water or gas). What do I do about the ****lander shall I get the head gasket done or is this bull**** advise?:confused:

"arange" fer it to be stolen - that's prolly not legal either

or sell it and hope another mug buys it .......
How many women and children are yer giving away and how old are they an are they house trained??
wummum are never house trained they always argue when you clean landy bits in the in the sink and store yer new parts on kitchen worktops
wummum are never house trained they always argue when you clean landy bits in the in the sink and store yer new parts on kitchen worktops

Just tell em if she were washing pots in the sink and making pastry on the table there wunt be any room for yer landy bits so it's obviously all her fault.
shall I get the head gasket done or is this bull**** advise?:confused:

Can the garage you took it too not do a "sniff" test ? that'll tell ya in a sec if its the head gasket or not.

Any half decent garage capable of doing the head should be in possession of a sniff kit, and any mechanic who doesn't know what one is or how to do one shouldn't be aloud to work on a tesco trolley!

i don't got one but i gots a good nose to do me sniffin wiff so i can smell the hydrocarbons in the coolant
Use the new uprated LR Multi layer head gasket, fit the stronger oil rail and relax for a couple of years.

I have covered 14K on my new gasket since DIY rebuild and car has now covered 112K.

I have had a couple of things to sort (such as rear wheel bearings) and a rear diff (the latter I changed due to noise, but it was the wheel bearings at fault)

I have a multi layer gasket, timing belt, steel dowels, RTV sealent and spare stronger oil rail in my garage if you want to get them cheaper than a LR dealer.


you gonna have to give a better and more detailed list of symptoms, what have you checked ,the more info the better ,

its no good guessing and going on the past problems that these engines have had unless you like wasting your time and have plenty of money,lets base the solution on the facts

maybe start a new thread with the purpouse of trying to sort this out
Difficult this one. If you did not specifically ask about this fault and he didn't lie to you you have no grounds for action. With a private sale, the seller just has to have the legal right to sell the car and the car must be roadworthy (a car can be faulty and still be roadworthy!). If you did ask or he lied to you then unfortunately it is his word against yours which won't really go anywhere in a court. Best you could hope for would be a 50/50 settlement on any repairs - but even this is very unlikely and he has already offered it anyway!

If you can give us more info on the exact problem we can try and guestimate repair costs for you to then consider against how much you paid for the car and if you want to repair it. Otherwise, take it to a garage and bite (half) the bullet.



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