1. Rachel jane

    Electric issues + clueless girl. Help!

    The garage I bought it from don't do repairs, they used an external garage to fix the clutch when it went 12 months ago. Because of this I don't have a receipt or an invoice as it under warranty then (thank goodness). I've taken it to a different garage all together this morning as they've been...
  2. Rachel jane

    Electric issues + clueless girl. Help!

    I have all of these faults ☹
  3. Rachel jane

    Electric issues + clueless girl. Help!

    Hello! For some reason I stopped getting notifications regarding this post ☹ Land rover replaced the ECU and suggested I bought a new key (to which I agreed as mine was really broken). I paid the bill and the car seemed to work fine. I drove away and started to rebuild my relationship with...
  4. Rachel jane

    Electric issues + clueless girl. Help!

    I have the report if that's any use?
  5. Rachel jane

    Electric issues + clueless girl. Help!

    Paid for in full on debit card. I initially thought the same but at no point was I told it would fix the car. I was told these were good places to start as the problem couldn't be found. The diagnostic report brought up 2 pages of errors :confused: I've been told electrical problem are common...
  6. Rachel jane

    Electric issues + clueless girl. Help!

    My freelander 2 recently cost me £1621 in electrical repairs that don't seem to have worked! Wanted to see if anyone has had a similar issue before I pay for more guess work. When I put the fob in the ignition, all electrics work fine. Clutch down, start button pressed and nothing. All...
  7. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

    As soon as I pressed "post reply" I regretted it!! It was a present someone bought me and I though it was appropriate. Never had a teddy in my car before :oops:
  8. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

    A have a teddy hippo in my car :D
  9. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

    They had the same car so had some plates made the same as his and drove around stealing petrol @Alan Crossley I know a guy who has worked for Land Rover for years and he said the same thing @Hippo Doesn't make me want one any less :D
  10. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

    I have a 4 year old collie who can be very attention seeking so I feel your pain there. My dad has his plates cloned once and it's stayed with me! Stay safe kids.
  11. Rachel jane

    New key needed

    @brianp38dse thank you, seems like the best option after reading up!
  12. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

    @neilly I never miss any! :eek: @Alan Crossley Thank you, he's a he but sadly passed away recently :(
  13. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

  14. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

    7 months now, and I love it!! Not had the opportunity to do any proper off roading as had a lot of hiccups when it was bought (4 new tyres, new clutch, gear box, plenty of engine issues etc) so it's been basically in bubble wrap! I do need to soon though. Plenty of places around me I'm sure!
  15. Rachel jane

    Hello :)

    Didn't realise you had to introduce yourself so here goes! My name is Rachel and I have been the proud owner of my 07' Freelander 2 for 7 months now. The dream would be a Defender but not really in a poor 25 year old's budget :(. I know very little about cars so I'might sure I'll be on here a...
  16. Rachel jane

    New key needed

    Sorry, I didn't realise that was relevant!:oops: I have a 2007 freelander 2. I don't need a new key, just want one so budget is very low. If writing on old threads isn't how things are done around here then I apologise.
  17. Rachel jane

    New key needed

    My key works fine, don't need another but the key ring hole is broken. Would I need a whole new fob or just the removable key? If so, would it need programming or is it the fob that does that? Only need it to attach other keys :(