1. vilgurl

    vils 110csw rebuild

    its such a good job Mr Vil has an intelligent woman to help him post videos!! :D
  2. vilgurl

    vilgurl and her 90

    heh and you know it! :p
  3. vilgurl

    vilgurl and her 90

    A true woman, multi tasking, cooking dinner whilst fitting pedal pads, a new wing mirror, indicator lenses and gear knob oh and helping child two fix her limo!!
  4. vilgurl

    I'm sorry I am a complete amateur, try vilguy

    I'm sorry I am a complete amateur, try vilguy
  5. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

  6. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    and don't you for get it :p
  7. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    We're picking it up tomorrow, quite excited! :D
  8. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    heh, hi, is this experience talking! I think I am lucky and it doesn't need a huge amount doing to it, I won't let it be one of those projects that gets put to the back burner I want it ready for the next meet up! :)
  9. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    that's such a good idea, do you often have that problem with your nuts seizing.....
  10. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    Sorry every one, I'm not being rude, 3 children and the summer holidays = days and nights role into one! Thank you for all my welcomes, especially from those strange tree hugging people that helped put the tent up at 1 am! When you have lived with paul you learn to role with it and take each...
  11. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    using my full name, what have you brought now ;)
  12. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    I don't know what you mean I'm all sweetness and light.... :5bAngel_anim:
  13. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    you must have been sleeping when we arrived! I never exaggerate:D
  14. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    I'll make paul drive his car and I'll come with the children and he can stop and do the crazy road trips while I drink tea waiting for him to arrive at 2 am watching the children run wild in the field heh!!
  15. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    Hello :) That is the plan, hopefully this time we might make it before 2am!!
  16. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    heh your showing your self up now!
  17. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    heh hello Dippypud, yep we've definitely got to stick together! as you vilguy, watching the cats claw your bottom is too funny!!
  18. vilgurl

    Wifey Newbie

    The husband, vilguy, has brought another landrover, a 90, he say's it is for me, (we'll see, the last two he came home with he said the same thing and I haven't even had so much as a sniff at them, he has an addiction!!) so I thought I would join up and see what all the excitement is about...