
The husband, vilguy, has brought another landrover, a 90, he say's it is for me, (we'll see, the last two he came home with he said the same thing and I haven't even had so much as a sniff at them, he has an addiction!!) so I thought I would join up and see what all the excitement is about! :cheer2:

How romantic, vilguy chose my user name for me too awwww:lvheart-119:

So hi every one I'm the wifey!

heh hello Dippypud, yep we've definitely got to stick together!

as you vilguy, watching the cats claw your bottom is too funny!!
Yay!!! Hiiiii samin!!! Make sure he sorts this one for you so you can come to lz12 and come laning :D
Haha! Yeah that would be good!! :p

I'll make paul drive his car and I'll come with the children and he can stop and do the crazy road trips while I drink tea waiting for him to arrive at 2 am watching the children run wild in the field heh!!
I'll make paul drive his car and I'll come with the children and he can stop and do the crazy road trips while I drink tea waiting for him to arrive at 2 am watching the children run wild in the field heh!!

That sounds like a plan!

And Paul... Shush. Clearly Mrs Vils has better ideas than you.

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