goes well, scary brakes... (its a common thing for us!), inside the seats look like a dog ate them, but overall its not in bad nick. Chassis looks to have just had a new crossmember.

The 90 is not in too bad condition either!
Sorry every one, I'm not being rude, 3 children and the summer holidays = days and nights role into one! Thank you for all my welcomes, especially from those strange tree hugging people that helped put the tent up at 1 am! When you have lived with paul you learn to role with it and take each minute as it comes as you never know what crazy thing he is up to now so arriving at 1 am with lots of drunk tree hugging tent putting up professionals is quite an every day thing lol :D:p:D

Fricking hell!!! Never been called a tree hugger before!! Hehe! @blue beasty dont stand so close next year... Don't want your crayons rubbing off on me :p

Very excited for you and your new addition samin!! Yay!!!
The best bit for me is that now christmas and birthdays are easy now.

"yay a new set of window wipers!" "oh a new uj just what i wanted" etc etc ;)
The best bit for me is that now christmas and birthdays are easy now.

"yay a new set of window wipers!" "oh a new uj just what i wanted" etc etc ;)
Yay a Landrover handbag and matching shoes......

Would sir like the bill with or without lube?:D:D:D

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