1. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    im on liskeard road just down from travis perkins pop in would be nice to meet another member. Fitting a tdi isn't to much of a big job easier if you can find a defender turbo and manifold that said fitting a straight disco lump isn't to hard. Increase the value a fair bit as well. Worth doing I...
  2. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Tripp Are you the lad I keep passing on the way to work every morning :) I See you are located in Callington I run a garage there Kelliwik Garage If you ever need any bits :)
  3. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    With the way you described that it points more to an feed to the ecu. or as stated an immobilizer fault although in my experience they seem to be reliable on these trucks similar to the locus system used on rovers and MG'S.
  4. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    It should if there is a fault log it in the ecu some readers wont show all the codes if there was a fuel pump fault it should show as low input fuel pressure or something along the lines. if the fuel pump has a loose connection this should also flag up with a fault but under body electrics in...
  5. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    One big problem with the puma engine'd landy's and that's whats bolted onto the back on the engine lol I have known so many screw boxes Same seems to happen in alot of the newer transits as well. saw a late 110 and it doesn't have the bulkhead air vents !!! that's one of the landrovers most...
  6. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    muds I take it you have a td5 if so I have heard the fault all to many times and is generally down to one thing the power supply to one relay this relay alows power to the engine management/ ecu just incase as if the cause the diagnostic equipment wont work as there wont be power to the ecu if...
  7. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    The lane in question is undrivable I have driven it years ago and was sketchy since it has got worse since the meet turbo man I walked it and its BAD shame but I cant see it been drivable for some time especially for the average land rover. There are some good lanes round Liskeard however I do...
  8. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Looks a lot worse then it is was caused by muddy puddles all the lanes we drove where of a hard surface and where not damaged beyond natural recovery :) all lanes where walked first. We found one lane that was marked as a road by mistake granted it was tarmac but had good foot and half deep ruts...
  9. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Was a cracking day out will get some pictures up this evening did really well and drove like a pro some of those lanes where tricky. :) Have to go and scout out some more lanes now. :D
  10. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    I am popping to bush farm at the weekend / next week to see what I can do. Will keep you posted :)
  11. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    If anyone local to Saltash or Liskeard wants to come out one weekend I can guide you though a few local lanes there are a fair few tame ones but still good fun. And Yes I am going to organize a day at bush farm just out side Saltash Good fun pay and play if you get stuck the farmer charges £5 to...
  12. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    scratch that then will leave it thought you could cut small branches down my bad the lower part is only boggy as its a water trap and he is in and out all the time to get to his fields.
  13. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Hope everyone enjoyed last night sorry I couldn't make it. would anyone be interested in some lanes Sunday 9th November around the liskeard area need to clear one lane very over grown have permission from the land owner to use saws etc I know we don't have to get permission but no worry about a...
  14. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Wont be able to make Thursday unfortunately inundated with work at the moment and cant see myself knocking off till after 10 gutted but I shall catch up with you all soon.
  15. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    I could help you with towing unfortunately I only have the car dolly at the moment until the car transporter is fixed but. offers there if you need it :)
  16. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    No problem shall see you there as long nothing pops up with work :)
  17. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    I should be able to make it Is this just going to be a pub meet or are we doing some lanes before hand ?.
  18. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    Looks like you had a nice little outing there :) And Rich you finally got the thing muddy hip hip hooray :D. Unfortunately the landy is having a paddy not to sure what Is up but have an intermittent fault with fuel pressure after high pressure pump. That I think is down to wiring not the pump...
  19. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    I know it wont be everyone's thing but especially for rich and im sure there are a few others who would benefit from some practice and to get to know what there trucks can do off road in a safe environment. I Will post it up hear and on the off road section :).
  20. J

    Devon & Cornwall green laning thread

    explored another lane tonight was a wee bit boggy and well flooded very deep ruts had to trim a fair few branches but all clear this was the lane I took the roof rack off on. I wont be out playing weekend coming as it is my partners Birthday but the weekend after I will more then likely be...