Which one....... there are several....

Oh I don't flipping know do I :rolleyes:....there's a terminal with a new earth somewhere near the ECU , in that there box thingy ....I shall take a big torch and go interrogate Nige on Monday ...after I've raced and rallied his courtesy car :D
If it's working bring it home and await the full fault I guess otherwise it will snow and you'll be left with no Landy. Are you sure it isn't immobikiser related if it fails to even try to start
Initially the ecu light and coil light came on ( along with all the regular warning reds e.g handbrake/oil etc) but she wouldn't fire , so i switched off and re-tried ..then no ecu or coil and she wouldn't fire , so back off with the ignition and on again ..ecu and coil came on and went out ( as normal ) she fired - then died , and then on the last attempt she fired and idled normally for about 5 mins ...which was when i decided to head for the garage instead of home - just in case i didn't make it! :D

With the way you described that it points more to an feed to the ecu. or as stated an immobilizer fault although in my experience they seem to be reliable on these trucks similar to the locus system used on rovers and MG'S.
With the way you described that it points more to an feed to the ecu. or as stated an immobilizer fault although in my experience they seem to be reliable on these trucks similar to the locus system used on rovers and MG'S.

It does seem to be either the feed to the ECU or the unit itself ...well this is what I was told yesterday ...he(Nige) feels he's a big closer to pin pointing the prob ...but as with the in tank fuel pump , he doesn't want to go in all guns blazing and replace something that doesn't need doing ...hopefully on Monday he can either make the decision to change the relays or if he's convinced the ECU is duff , then get on an get a new one ....second hand was mentioned , but I'm not sure I like the sound of that , rather start with something new that hasn't come out of another vehicle . I know it'll have to be coded (or whatever the term is ) to my vehicle , God knows how long that takes or where it gets done ....but it's out if my hands isn't it ..:eek: me being a thick bint an all :rolleyes:
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It does seem to be either the feed to the ECU or the unit itself ...well this is what I was told yesterday ...he(Nige) feels he's a big closer to pin pointing the prob ...but as with the in tank fuel pump , he doesn't want to go in all guns blazing and replace something that doesn't need doing ...hopefully on Monday he can either make the decision to change the relays or if he's convinced the ECU is duff , then get on an get a new one ....second hand was mentioned , but I'm not sure I like the sound of that , rather start with something new that hasn't come out of another vehicle . I know it'll have to be coded (or whatever the term is ) to my vehicle , God knows how long that takes or where it gets done ....but it's out if my hands isn't it ..:eek: me being a thick bint an all :rolleyes:

Changing the ECU seems a bit drastic to me and providing you haven't drowned it, I haven't heard of any other issues with the actual ECU's themselves.

Have a look at the email I sent you yesterday regarding the fuel pump and relays...

Also as previously mentioned, when did you last (if ever) change the fuel filter? If that is clogged it could be causing a similar problem to that with a faulty fuel pump/relay. If you do change the filter, also make sure that you follow the purge sequence (see below) to expel any air....

This is done electronically though so it’s no biggie. First, turn the ignition key to position II so the warning lights come on and press the accelerator 5 times before the engine management light goes out. This puts the engine in to purge mode and the system will start to bleed itself. This can take quite a few minutes and you will hear the pump go through quite a few cycles. The engine management light will flash and continue to flash until all the air is expelled from the system. When the engine management light goes out, turn the key and it should burst into life.

If you turn the engine off before going on a test drive you may find the pump sounds different, like it’s still purging. This is normal and after a test run the pump should sound back to normal.
Changing the ECU seems a bit drastic to me and providing you haven't drowned it, I haven't heard of any other issues with the actual ECU's themselves.

Have a look at the email I sent you yesterday regarding the fuel pump and relays...

Also as previously mentioned, when did you last (if ever) change the fuel filter? If that is clogged it could be causing a similar problem to that with a faulty fuel pump/relay. If you do change the filter, also make sure that you follow the purge sequence (see below) to expel any air....

This is done electronically though so it’s no biggie. First, turn the ignition key to position II so the warning lights come on and press the accelerator 5 times before the engine management light goes out. This puts the engine in to purge mode and the system will start to bleed itself. This can take quite a few minutes and you will hear the pump go through quite a few cycles. The engine management light will flash and continue to flash until all the air is expelled from the system. When the engine management light goes out, turn the key and it should burst into life.

If you turn the engine off before going on a test drive you may find the pump sounds different, like it’s still purging. This is normal and after a test run the pump should sound back to normal.

Thanks for the email DT ...I've already suggested that the fuel pump relay be changed as an initial fix , Nige would be more than happy to do as I ask , he's got a TD5 of his own and is really conscious not to over bake the cake ...I know LRs aren't cheap to fix , but I've asked him to be as thrifty as poss and I know he'll try the least expensive option first ...he's told me that whilst Betsy is sitting wired up to life support , he's not charging me , unless he actually works on her, so hopefully expeses are staying grounded atm ( or he's buttering me up for a galv chassis :D) I think he's got enough integrity that he genuinely wants to get to the bottom of the prob ...so I'm sure relays will be changed long before ECU is changed etc . The email you sent is really informative and I'll be sure to show Ian :)....oh and the fuel filter has been changed in the past ...possibly twice in the last 8 years we've had her. I'm pretty sure he did all the obvious checks on Tues ..but I'll interrogate him further on Monday ..... Hel'll probably enjoy it :rolleyes::D
Nah, tek it crissy shopping up Bristle, a far harsher and more taxing environment for man or machine :eek:, and it will fit in the titchy parking spaces! ;):D

Not actually sure the Polo would make it to Brissle :eek: it's pretty lumpy an I reckon the clutch is on its last legs :D
Not actually sure the Polo would make it to Brissle :eek: it's pretty lumpy an I reckon the clutch is on its last legs :D

They are pretty minging, I used to have a golf, one of my least favourite of the many cars I have destroyed :D

Really keeping my fingers crossed you get the problem sorted, conditions are good for another mission now :)

Last time I looked under Betsy, I would have said you were at least ten years from needing a galv chassis :crazy:
Thanks for the email DT ...I've already suggested that the fuel pump relay be changed as an initial fix , Nige would be more than happy to do as I ask , he's got a TD5 of his own and is really conscious not to over bake the cake ...I know LRs aren't cheap to fix , but I've asked him to be as thrifty as poss and I know he'll try the least expensive option first ...he's told me that whilst Betsy is sitting wired up to life support , he's not charging me , unless he actually works on her, so hopefully expeses are staying grounded atm ( or he's buttering me up for a galv chassis :D) I think he's got enough integrity that he genuinely wants to get to the bottom of the prob ...so I'm sure relays will be changed long before ECU is changed etc . The email you sent is really informative and I'll be sure to show Ian :)....oh and the fuel filter has been changed in the past ...possibly twice in the last 8 years we've had her. I'm pretty sure he did all the obvious checks on Tues ..but I'll interrogate him further on Monday ..... Hel'll probably enjoy it :rolleyes::D

i think you should change the fuel filter,a tad more often,like every year,i know i do.:)
They are pretty minging, I used to have a golf, one of my least favourite of the many cars I have destroyed :D

Really keeping my fingers crossed you get the problem sorted, conditions are good for another mission now :)

Can't wait to get out , she'll be sorted next week I'm sure .

Last time I looked under Betsy, I would have said you were at least ten years from needing a galv chassis :crazy:

Yeah , I'm only dreaming ....forget jewellery and fancy clothes ...it's just my sort of bling :eek: but yes totally unnecessary atm ;)
She may well have had it changed more often , I usually ask for a really good in depth yearly service .:)

ok,sorry i was just replying to your post.But it might be worth telling them you want it changing,just to be sure.;):)
ok,sorry i was just replying to your post.But it might be worth telling them you want it changing,just to be sure.;):)

Agreed ^^^^

Most garages don't seem to change anything unless it clearly buggered, or you specifically ask them to....
Agreed ^^^^

Most garages don't seem to change anything unless it clearly buggered, or you specifically ask them to....

yes,i have to tell my garage,exactly what i want doing,then i know exactly what has and has not been done.:)
Wish I could be a LRs mechanics apprentice for a few weeks ...learn stuff like changing a wheel bearing and other stuff to get you home if things go wrong , and simple electrickery, got FSH on Bets but as she gets older , you do kinda wish you knew a bit more to help yourself :( this could just be a birds point of view mind :D
Wish I could be a LRs mechanics apprentice for a few weeks ...learn stuff like changing a wheel bearing and other stuff to get you home if things go wrong , and simple electrickery, got FSH on Bets but as she gets older , you do kinda wish you knew a bit more to help yourself :( this could just be a birds point of view mind :D

No you are not alone thinking that.

I always try to do as much as I can (if I have the time) just to understand and know what to do if something does break when out and about.

A bush mechanic's course would probably be very well received in the UK by a lot of Landy Owners.

Still when we are out laning, we have the next best thing > he's called Lee ;)
No you are not alone thinking that.

I always try to do as much as I can (if I have the time) just to understand and know what to do if something does break when out and about.

A bush mechanic's course would probably be very well received in the UK by a lot of Landy Owners.

Still when we are out laning, we have the next best thing > he's called Lee ;)

Yeahhhhh we love him .....except when we're behind him lol :faint2:

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