1. N

    Green Lanes in the North West

    Hi Aid232, I think its possible that Graham might be away, and at the time of doing the last reply I had not read your article on the green lanes in the lakes, any chance you can highlight the area, and which landranger map they are to be found, alternatively if you have nothing better planned...
  2. N

    Green Lanes in the North West

    Hi Graham, I presume, as you mentioned the green lanes in the lakes you know of some, can you let me know where they are I have got the bank holiday Monday off and fancy a look, what land ranger map are they covered on? Cheers Norm
  3. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi tigapiglet, Have you a sweet tooth, will you have enough room in the vehicle once you filled it up with those jelly babies, urgh, fingers down the throat. I am sat on the end of my seat, waiting for the good news. Has anyone out there got a Navara and tried it with this cheaper gear...
  4. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Bigstoo, That’s what I like to hear, The Yorkshire folk taking the bull by the horn, nothing to do with saving a bit of brass, eh. Good luck fellow country-man, I use the term loosely, of course! Norm
  5. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Giles Clayton Thanks for the input, I’m still very weary regarding this stuff in my Navara, I have to make sure it not going to affect the warranty, though, I have to find a cheaper method of running. Is there no one out there who would have the information regarding running the Navara...
  6. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Henda Where does your brother live, if its close enough we can always do a deal, I have no doubt that there will be a few of us that would rather your brother be on the better side than you know who. No Mr Major this is not a method of diddling you, we are just finding an alternative to...
  7. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Henda I`m as bad as tigapiglet, please let us know were he got the kit from. The brits are getting ripped off with fuel prices. The trouble is, if we protes and bring the country to a hault, of which has already been proved, and my admeration goes out to him. They will transfer the tax to...
  8. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Charlotte You certainly present a good read, it’s a while since I read something so invigorating:cool::cool::cool: .However, onward. The customs, I’m curious, I have been led to believe that if you use red diesel in the tank the customs can tell as the dye leaves a stain in the tank, if I...
  9. N

    Janspeed conversions (turbo)

    Hi Charlotte Shame on you girl:o such words from a lady, although, under the circumstances I would have been more aggressive:mad: Fancy you not knowing about the greenlanes at your end, the are a touch different to ours:p the green is the colour of water running in them and you would need a...
  10. N

    Janspeed conversions (turbo)

    Hi Charlotte This knock may be the disc on that side slightly warped or possably the cv joint may be suspect:confused: I have no doubt you will cure it. One you have finished with playtime are you going greenlaning in the broads. Norm
  11. N

    Janspeed conversions (turbo)

    Hi Charlotte I have now contacted the Guinness book of records, Charlotte must be the first woman in the history of mankind to say, and I quote, "Don’t know everything", un-quote:rolleyes: That’s gota be worth money, I’m sure the media will pay you handsomely for it. I’m now going to...
  12. N

    Janspeed conversions (turbo)

    Hi Charlotte Is there no end to your supply of information, you remind me of Magnus Pike, what a guy:) Norm
  13. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Chris Thanks for the input, glad to see we are attracting some attention along the way, I’ve got to do something as my fuel consumption is very high, I think there’s a problem with whatever it should return at least 25-30 to gal,hu I’m getting 15-20 to gallon. Now that Charlotte has...
  14. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Charlotte I’m glad I’m a quiet chap, heaven knows what you would do to a noisy character. I’m waiting for your valued impute on the site address I gave you. You’re now holding up the progress of mankind, I’m sat on the edge of my seat, you to read the info on the oil going to the engine...
  15. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Charlotte, Where is one this evening, if that is not being to forward. Missing your words of wisdom ;)
  16. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Iceman, I’m from the South East of Chicago, Sweat-Briar, I’m aware of what ice hockey means at home, I have no doubt its supported in the UK, but I not associated with it, my sport is anything to do with flying, whether it be microlight or jumping off or out from a great height and feel that...
  17. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi iceman, Although I’m a hommie, pardon for being thick, what is a zambonis I know I’m going to regret asking this I can fell it in my waters (English terminology). Not to offend any of the other member, I would direct your question regarding gas to diesel conversion to Charlotte, that lady...
  18. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Charlotte Your a mechanic, ecy-thump as we say up north, well two great mind, I’m C&G electrical engineer REME, which of course puts me above the rest. They don’t let idiots play with good kit. You win on the reading, I simply hate reading, Is this a woman thing my better half loves...
  19. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Charlotte So the smash has not put you off driving, glad to know it, mine was a bullet in the back and lucky, still act like an idiot, that’s what the wife says, if it doesn’t have adventure I don’t do it. Not the Norfolk Broads, Its flooded, think you better swap you beast for twin diesel...
  20. N

    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi Charlotte, Nice to see you having fun, hope I not being to forward, I presume you are disabled Where abouts in the country do you live, if its down south Ill die, thats were all the good green lanes are. The wife does not mind the green laning, she refuses to do off roading untill I...