Hi Bigstoo,

That’s what I like to hear, The Yorkshire folk taking the bull by the horn, nothing to do with saving a bit of brass, eh.

Good luck fellow country-man, I use the term loosely, of course!
Well i have just used my first load of,lets call it biodiesel! i was quite impressed with the extra smooth power delivery less engine rattle noise when cold,or is that my big ends going!not funny but at least i could get my 300 bored out to 2.8, i averaged 26mpg and all this was done locally like school runs and 2 miles to work a day plus the odd 1/2 hour trip out in the country side,i thought that was good and am happy with how the engine starts when cold,so have just put in a 60/diesel/40 oil mix as im doing 400 miles this saturday so i will see how it goes only the smell is a bit different but not 2 bad so i will carry on with my BIODIESEL MIX,and spend the change on jelly babies.
Hi tigapiglet,
Have you a sweet tooth, will you have enough room in the vehicle once you filled it up with those jelly babies, urgh, fingers down the throat.

I am sat on the end of my seat, waiting for the good news. Has anyone out there got a Navara and tried it with this cheaper gear please let me know.
Normstoy said:
nothing to do with saving a bit of brass, eh.
hehe well yes and no. went to makro last night, the cheapest is £10.49 (VAT exempt) for a 20L drum of veggie oil. now that works out at 52.4p a litre. The bottle stuff from tesco is £1.32 for 3L which is only 44p a litre.

looks like tesco home shopping will be getting a nice regular order. i bet they think i own a burger van, well i bet it it will smell like that anyway when i start her up!! :D
Hi Guys,
A word of caution - I have used cooking oil (as an experiment) with no detrimental effects - however I was stopped by the Ministry (months after I had used it).
They dipped my tank and their test was inconclusive as to whether I had been using cooking oil, but they suspected I had, so I was just warned. Apparently the penalties for 'illegal' use of cooking oil are swingeing - also as reported in this thread - legal use is not cost effective.
Maybe someone should contact C&E to find out if it is illegal or not. (Personally can't see how it can be)

and does it work.

It is not illegal to use bio diesel in your vehicle, but and there always is a but you do have to declare it to the C&E who will be happy to charge you a amount each month for the tax. I think it is something like 27 pence per litre used, but then again how do they know how much you have used
So for a litre of 'fuel' (biodisel/veg oil/whatever) is

44p (cos of veg oil)
10p (White Spirit)
27p (Duty)

So to go totally legit, not a massive saving, but still a saving non the less. and like henda says, how do they know how much you have used? unless they take a speedo reading when you register the fact that you intend to use biodiesel?
Charlotte said:
Maybe someone should contact C&E to find out if it is illegal or not. (Personally can't see how it can be)

and does it work.

In my post 'the Ministry' are Customs & Excise and the ethos is the same as the duty on Calor Gas (Autogas) i.e. the duty payable is 12.5% as opposed to household Calor Gas at 8% - Gordon Brown wants his share.
You can run a diesel on cooking oil provided you declare it and pay the appropriate duty which I believe is 17p (pence) per litre - this nulifies any cost advantage.
All I am saying is be cautious and aware.
Hi folks,

I have been reading this thread for a while with great interest, and finally took the plunge. Today at 4pm I put 21 litres of Pure Vegetable Oil (Rapeseed Oil) into my fuel tank, on about a 50%/50% mix.

All seems to be running rather well, you can however notice a small smell when you are near the exuast, only when the car is running though. Not as bad as I thought it would be.

For those interested I have a Landrover 90 Diesel 2.5 n/a.

I have now also found a source for free oil for myself, so after paying duty it will be rather cost effective.



I don't see the point of the using oil if old Gordon Brown wants his share @ 27p that then makes oil to expensive because LPG is cheaper.

I can understand your point Charlotte, howerever if you were to find a free source of oil, that would surely make a big difference to the savings.

Let me know how you get along with the 50/50 mix - I have a Light weight with a 2.5 N/A LR diesel engine and may be following your lead.............
Hi Buckle,

It has now been 24 hrs since i did a 50/50 mix and all is going well. I have not seen any change in performance, and can't really notice any smell. So from my view all is going well. However I will give you an update in few days to confirm how its going.

:) Rich,

Looking forward to hearing back how you get on. The prrof is in the pudding as they say!

Eddy (Buckle)
isnt LPG about 38p a litre? and then you have to find one of only 1300 garages in the uk that stock it. where as veg oil can be pre-bought at any corner shop/supermarket.

yes im now watching this thread with keen interest...
Yeah, but LPG will run a V8, veg oil will kill it!!! Bloody good for my 200Tdi though, watching with interest...

Hi Eddy and all Landy Lovers,

All seems to be going well, still running smoothly, bit more of a smell. However the smell seems rather familiar, almost as if someone else I know has been using it.

I have had a few personal concerns that I am trying to research. Those being deposits that Vegetable Oil causes within the engine. I do know that the oil is sulphur free, and therefore reduces that type of deposit. If anybody knows anything about the level of deposits produced, or if they are similar to that of standard diesel I would be very appreciative.

I have also realised there are three ways to run your car on Vegatable oil, that being Straight in the tank, another way I cant remember, and by making biodiesel.

Well if anyone has any information on the effects that the oil will have to an engine that would be very appreciative.


i thought diesel engines preferred sulphur? i read somewhere that cars filled up with low sulphur diesel tended to be sluggish compared with reg diesel cars. or did i dream that?? entirely possible.

so has anyone been able to beat 44p (£1.32 for 3L at Tesco.com) a litre for veggie oil? pls post here if u have. I mean shop bought stuff, alot of us dont have mates who run a chippy, or a free supply from somewhere. maybe i should start a website a la petrolbusters.co.uk to find the cheapest veg oil in your locality? hehe veggiebusters.com :D

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