Hi charlotte
Again thanks for the info, you are ahead of me on this one. I know diesel is produced from oil and chippy oil from vegetables and at high temp its inflammable, but I thought chippy stuff came in solid white block that had to be cut up!

I have no doubt there are folks out there that have been doing this for years but keep it quiet as they are saving a fortune, I wonder how Tigapiglet is doing he was going to try 50/50

Charlotte, you have not said what your running!

The only thing I am apprehensive about is that my vehicle is under warrantee and any excuse they will void even if it was good for the engine
hi normstoy my car is running fine on good clean veggie oil,i will declare it as they wont need to dip your tank they will smell it from a mile away,not sure i would risk it on a new car tiga.
Hi Charlotte

I’m impressed, you have the beast under the hood and would not benefit from our oil efforts one bit or do you know something we don’t?
I have my wife’s permission to say this, as a mere male, how is it you know so much about the oil and diesel industry, yes, I one nosey sod. I also all for equal opportunity, I can proudly say that my 24 year old daughter was at one time my boss and a brilliant job she did too.
Do you do any green laning or off roading in the beast?
I have done some reasearch into this oil business and I did come across a good site http://www.veggiepower.org.uk/vegoilcar.htm I would apreciate your comments.

Only just got the Range Rover (I'm too picky on then looked at hundreds from all over the country from rotten ones to ok ones) Only thing stopped me buying diesel was the automatic box which is a necessity. I have'nt done any green laning as yet but hope to do some in the summer holiday.

Let me have a read of the site and I will give my comments

Hi Charlotte,

Nice to see you having fun, hope I not being to forward, I presume you are disabled
Where abouts in the country do you live, if its down south Ill die, thats were all the good green lanes are.

The wife does not mind the green laning, she refuses to do off roading untill I buy her a good sports bra, she needs her hands to hold on to the seat, Im not a mad driver just enjoy myself.

Yes I'm disabled from a car smash (don't do the "I'm sorry bit")
Depends where "down south" means but I'm in Norfolk.

Hi Charlotte
So the smash has not put you off driving, glad to know it, mine was a bullet in the back and lucky, still act like an idiot, that’s what the wife says, if it doesn’t have adventure I don’t do it.
Not the Norfolk Broads, Its flooded, think you better swap you beast for twin diesel long boat and then you can join the vegi people. Now, how come you know more than me about oil, Please tell me the suspense man.
Hey, Bigstoo,

A bit unfair on the Yanks as their gallons are smaller than ours, ie. 16floz versus 20floz in the UK. Still they really should not complain about the cost they pay versus us. Any way to reduce fuel costs would be great and save the crude stuff for other things.

What would be even better would be to use all the hot air generated from the politicians over the last few weeks to power up the turbos!
Hi Normstoy

I read loads and seem to take in totally useless information. When you say Chip oil comes in blocks think thats lard (Beef or Pork fat) To run a car it has to be vegetable based oil. C&G mechanics also helps

Hi Charlotte

Your a mechanic, ecy-thump as we say up north, well two great mind, I’m C&G electrical engineer REME, which of course puts me above the rest. They don’t let idiots play with good kit.
You win on the reading, I simply hate reading, Is this a woman thing my better half loves reading, I like to listen to stuff.
Have you visited the site yet and have you found a decent long boat!
Bigstoo said:
iceman my heart bleeds for you. try filling it up over here with the uk price at around 89p a litre (quick calc......) thats about £4 a gallon, or $7.50 a gallon!!

i suspect u knew that already and just wanted to wind us poor brits up?? ;) and it worked!! :)
Actually, I didn't. You guys do have it a lot worse. I'm just glad we go by the gallon and not the liter, I'd have to get another Zamboni job just to buy gas. If you want something fuel efficient and enviromentally safe, look at Olympia brand Zambonis, now those things are fuel efficient> A majority of the ones in Canada and the States run on tanks of propane and can go two weeks without being swapped for full ones. But just out of curiousity, anybody know if they sell diesel Discoverys on this side of the pond or if there's a way to do an unleaded gas to diesel conversion?
Hi iceman,
Although I’m a hommie, pardon for being thick, what is a zambonis I know I’m going to regret asking this I can fell it in my waters (English terminology).
Not to offend any of the other member, I would direct your question regarding gas to diesel conversion to Charlotte, that lady know her onions (English terminology) if there is I will go back to my old Chevy Caprice Classic & Chevy Blazer K10 and not forgetting my baby the Corvette 1972 mod, Hmmm!

Where about in USA are you at.
Central U.S. in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, Gateway to the West. And a Zamboni is the big machine that goes out on the ice at skating & hockey rinks and makes it as smooth as glass. In the ice hockey world, if you are a Zamboni driver, men respect you, and women love you. When my current girlfriend found out a while ago when we were first going out that I was a Zamboni driver, she went nuts. She's a big fan of hockey, especially the top level, known as the National Hockey League. Unfortunately no one in the States or Canada could watch or even attend any NHL games this year, thanks to the greedy players disagreeing with the owners about not getting $10 million instead of $8 million. Bunch of spoiled b*tchy millionares and their players union:mad: . Sorry, got a little off track there. But you'd be surprised how popular hockey is getting over here. To make a comparison, it's like Europe and football (a.k.a. soccer for people in the States that don't know that). You guys have ice hockey in the U.K.?
Hi Iceman,
I’m from the South East of Chicago, Sweat-Briar, I’m aware of what ice hockey means at home, I have no doubt its supported in the UK, but I not associated with it, my sport is anything to do with flying, whether it be microlight or jumping off or out from a great height and feel that freedom.

Unfortunately money rules lots of good stuff and spoils it for all the other guys.
Y`all come back now!
I'm here somewhere

Just fixed my EFi changed the oil ended up pulling the engine appart to get rid of the most annoying noises.

What's the latest view on the vegi oil ?


I’m glad I’m a quiet chap, heaven knows what you would do to a noisy character.

I’m waiting for your valued impute on the site address I gave you. You’re now holding up the progress of mankind, I’m sat on the edge of my seat, you to read the info on the oil going to the engine setup, it sounds plausible, but it’s ahead of me.

Hey Norm,

Check out goldenfuels.com for info on running your vehicle on 100% veggie oil. Also, there are a large number of motor manufacturers who are now certifying their newest diesel engines to be run on these fuels; can't comment on your specific vehicle though.


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