1. T

    Do all Freelanders have a FBH?

    cheers Skinny i used to drive ambulances that had Webasto or erbacher FBH's. and can say that my pig has never made any sounds like is does.
  2. T

    Do all Freelanders have a FBH?

    Hello I had no idea that freelanders had a FBH until i read something yesterday about it. Ive read through Madhatman's guide, and it says its on the M47 engine. How do i tell if ive got an M47 engine?? my motor is a Y-plate TD4 which is a BMW engine. It says on Wikipedia that thats a M47R...
  3. T

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Just put the new CB antenna on the pass side rear of roof bar....look very pretty!
  4. T

    CB Radio frequencies

    ooooh go on!!! reef is trying so hard to back pedal!!!!!
  5. T

    CB Radio frequencies

    i have a CB in my Hippo. Its a Maycom and bloody good, with a 6 foot whip on the pass side rear rail. Oxfordshire is quite flat and Tx from high points in city centre and speak clearly with guys n gals in Andover which is about 40 miles as the crow flies. CB should be more popular! thats my...
  6. T

    CB Radio frequencies

    Im really enjoying this thread and id love to join in! Who's side should i take?
  7. T

    Greying bumpers etc

    this stuff is the shizzle.
  8. T

    Best cheap mods!!??

    hiya! ive just read through all that.... is it really as easy as a golf tee to de-ac the EGR???:scratching_chin: if it is 1, 3 and 4 will be done over the weekend! ta
  9. T

    What upgrades / accessories do you have?

    Nice roofrack! Where you get that????
  10. T

    I must be missing a seat

    So.......with freelanders obviously not running on heavy oil.....why is it is the V5?
  11. T

    New pig, but not new member. so im introducing it.

    This is the new steed! Its not currently in MK police station, that's just the only pic to hand. Im already a member, and have got shot of the old 1.8 K pig, and got a nicer 2.0TD4 BMW pig. The last owner stuck the G4 stickers on it, and im peeling them off one by one very gently as not to...
  12. T

    I must be missing a seat

    i listen with interest. Surely this has tax band implecations.
  13. T

    I must be missing a seat

    Mornin' all. im sure you'll shoot me down if im wrong, but ive always regarded Heavy Oil as a less refined heavier and dirtier type of fuel used in larger low revving engines; like BIG marine engines etc. I know that supertankers which dont run on Gas turbines run on Heavy oil. So why does it...
  14. T

    Don't be rude to Noobs

    nooooob mistake! should have got to that before you AND I INTRODUCED MYSELF BY THE WAY! Its only proper
  15. T

    Don't be rude to Noobs

    made me spit my Dr Pepper out!
  16. T

    Key fob

    it is a blue one!
  17. T

    Key fob

    ............can i join in?? i have a flashy light on my roof and a chevroned wheel cover???!!!
  18. T

    misted screen

    Mine does the same. But it's not a greasy felling to, it's just condensation. The car isn't damp at all. Might give the pollen filter a gander now......
  19. T

    What have you done to your Freelander today

    Long list today! Repaired CD changer, changed little bulbs behind heater controls and clock, fixed pop out ash tray on dash, sealed around antenna hole in roof, and installed thick plastic wheelcover with reflective chevrons.
  20. T

    Which one of you...

    my complements on the use of the word: Wazzock. :banana: A much underused word.