No accessories. Stock look so nice ;D ;D

Ok, let's be serious :cool:

Me too ;) Nice freeby winu



Looks great. I like the roof pod. Nice shiny paint oo, just one thing.....GET SOME GTECHNIQ C4 FOR YOUR TRIM!!!!!!!

Sorry, I let the inner me out there....apologies.
A few little mods done

This I like.

I have the same bonnet pod sitting in a cupboard at home. I'm prepping it ready for paint at the moment.

How good is full beam with these on? I find with the unlit country B roads I drive on, the standard healights to be completely inadequate. I was thinking of swapping out the standard 4.5" spots on the bonnet pod for something different/brighter.
Both are G4 Challenge safety devices racks. Mine is from U.S, Johns - I don't know. He dig it somewhere :D

It was wet when photo was taken. On normal situation it have nice gray plastics with no shades ect. G tehnique is on 15ml bottles... i need a 10 or more to FL :rofl:
15ml goes a VERY long way.

It's not like the crappy back to black silicon loaded ****e that the likes of Halfrauds sell ;)

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