
this stuff is the shizzle.
I used kiwi liquid shoe polish last weekend it's stained my bumpers a very dark gray and looks ace it's survived the heavy thunderstorms we had today and still looks ace

I applied directly from the bottle and then.rubbed it in with a cotton cloth as it looks streaky until you use the cloth
I've used the car plan black car wax and it works a treat. The car looks younger :) see what you mean about turning your skin the same colour even wearing gloves it somehow managed to get through. Oddly enough it hasn't made my hands look younger :eek:
Update from the kiwi bumpers dept. They are still dark and shiny I'm going to put a second coat on to hopefully darken a little more but it's the only thing I have used that's staying a decent finish.
Tried loads of different tricks including heat gun, flame polish with a blow torch and peanut butter

Kiwi...... It's the way forwards
This is a sad "after story" for this thread. You need to get out your camera and give us a before and after photo. :D

I was told to remove all marks (polish etc) with a normal pencil rubber and the use the liquid cherry wax shoe polish. Works brillant. I always put some silicone spray on top.

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