1. Grim


    Got any photos?
  2. Grim

    L322 Range Rover 2003 L322

    Any more photos?
  3. Grim

    P38A Range Rover for sale

    Got any photos??
  4. Grim

    Discovery 5 Rhythmic thrumming noise

    And just in case your technicians try to fob that off, I’m a tyre engineer, and worked for tyre manufacturers for almost 23 years, working for Bridgestone, Continental and Hankook.
  5. Grim

    Discovery 5 Rhythmic thrumming noise

    Sounds like tyre noise, what we in the industry call ‘heel & toe’ wear. It can occur on any tyre, and is generally influenced by tyre pressures and vehicle settings. To identify it, look at the tyre sideways on. It’s also known as saw tooth wear due to the way the trailing edge of the tread...
  6. Grim

    COVID 21 (crawling over verge initiating diff)

    I won't hold out for 2021, also, I'm taking shared maternity leave for three months, and this would fall smack bang in the middle of it, so couldn't go anyway. However, it does look like a really good event, so plenty of time to plan for 2022, so who knows, maybe see you there.......
  7. Grim

    COVID 21 (crawling over verge initiating diff)

    That sounds like a top weekend!! Is there a website we can visit for more info/booking?
  8. Grim


    Ah yeah, the Foxwell. I was going to get a Foxwell NT520 pro, but decided I'd wait and get a nanocom, as my mechanic uses Nanocom, so figured I'd get the same so results are consistent. Yeah, my rear chasis has some corrosion, but not too bad, but I'm budgeting to save for a full chassis change...
  9. Grim


    Hello and welcome. Like you, I have a 2001 D2 Td5. I love mine, they really are great!! Very good off the tarmac, and pretty good on it too. People like to say how unreliable they are, but in all honesty, it's one of the most reliable vehicles I've owned. One tip I will give you, and I'm...
  10. Grim

    L322 Head Unit Giveaway

    Do you have any photos of the units? I'm tempted to modify my dash in my D2 to house something like this.
  11. Grim

    Disco 2 Diagnostic tool

    Ah, brilliant, thanks for that. Looking at the list, it does seem it does everything I'd need it to do, and more. I'll have to awaiting the telling off from the mrs when she finds I'm buying more toys that are Landy related haha
  12. Grim

    Disco 2 Diagnostic tool

    Ultimately, if I could afford it, I'd get the Nanocom evo. One of the guys I know has one and swears by it, but they're a little out of my price range right now. that said, if I do get a Foxwell, when I can afford to, I'll upgrade to the Nanocom and sell the Foxwell. I have found a NT520 pro...
  13. Grim

    Disco 2 Diagnostic tool

    I did wonder, I've always skipped past anything thats OBD2 on the basis I didn't believe it was compatible, but heard someone (elsewhere) saying they were getting one for their D2. I'll write that one off then, and just stick to the NT510. Was it you that I saw sing the praises of the NT510? I...
  14. Grim

    Disco 2 Diagnostic tool

    Wanting to run something by you all. I'm thinking about finally buying a diagnostic tool. I can't afford to stretch to a Nanocom at the moment as we're having work done on the house before we put it up for sale. I had seen a couple of you give good feedback about the Foxwell NT510, which is one...
  15. Grim

    Other LR vehicle

    If you've got around £2k to spend, look at a D2. You wont get a Defender 90/110 etc for that money. In all fairness, the D2 is probably the best option anyway if you're using it as a daily as a works vehicle.
  16. Grim

    Insa special tracks or cst land dragons

    I'd agree with Goonarmy, Insa's Special tracks and the CTS Land Dragons are a little overkill for green laning, fine for pay and play. You could opt for the Insa Turbo Dakar, good M/T tread pattern, without being too aggressive for green lanes. I run the dakars on my D2 myself, never had any...
  17. Grim

    Adventuring and exploring locally

    A little late to the party I know, but, I'm based in Cov, used to live in Rugby (just off Addison Road). I also have a D2. Have you made any modifications to your D2? I'd recommend a set of all terrain tyres (Muds are good, but a/t's will cope with the traction control on a D2). If you haven't...
  18. Grim

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Bummer!!! Kinda hoped he just happened revisited this thread but was still active. Thanks though
  19. Grim

    Greenlaning in birmingham or close by ??

    Any chance you'd be able to let me have that route? Looking to get out soon.
  20. Grim

    Don't assume the forum sponsor is the best

    I swear by Evergreen Insurance Services https://evergreeninsuranceservices.co.uk/ My D2 with mods comes at just £189 a year, fully comp, although it has a limited mileage of 5k. Still, it doesn't go up that much if I increase my annual mileage. My last renewal, I shopped around and was also...