1. ovalsoul

    Series 2 Spare wheel on bonnet ?

    My 235 85 tyres rub on full articulation as it is
  2. ovalsoul

    Series 2 Getting my 2a back on the road

    That's brilliant mate cheers
  3. ovalsoul

    Seat bulkhead chequer plate question

    I would say take every bit of kit out of your land rovers divide into two piles and throw one of them away...you're hauling too much gear troop!
  4. ovalsoul

    Seat bulkhead chequer plate question

    I'm giving up on getting my question answered :D
  5. ovalsoul

    Seat bulkhead chequer plate question

    Passenger tool box, done Center tool box, done Above the screen, don't fancy that Doors, too wet The last two, it's a swb truck cab and it's cab storage I'm after Sooooo......anyone know anything about chequer plate bulkhead liners?
  6. ovalsoul

    Seat bulkhead chequer plate question

    Already replaced one of the twin tanks with a tool box. No buggering about? Then why buy a land rover lol
  7. ovalsoul

    Seat bulkhead chequer plate question

    Yeah it will be removable, not easily but doable. If I made a template I'd just make the panel myself...in a perfect world I was hoping someone doing chequer plate bed liners would already make one that fitted well enough and I could buy a whole kit and just ask them not to put a bend in the...
  8. ovalsoul

    Seat bulkhead chequer plate question

    Im after a slightly unusual bit of chequer plate. What I want is a piece to basically blank off the recessed area of the seat bulkhead in the back of the landy. So you've got the galvanised capping that runs across the top of the bulkhead. The factory aluminium panel is riveted to the cab side...
  9. ovalsoul

    Series 2 Getting my 2a back on the road

    Friend of mine took his s3 to a garage for a repair, Left it parked outside and dropped the keys off. Hadn't heard from them for nearly a week so went round there to see what was going on to find his Landry exactly where he left it. Out of habit he'd knocked the transfer box into neutral and...
  10. ovalsoul

    Series 2A V8 owner

    From the pic in your other thread looks like you've got a bit of work on your hands there fella. Good to see a 2a rolling again though and a truck cab too so you're off to a good start!
  11. ovalsoul

    Series 2 Getting my 2a back on the road

    It used to say historic vehicle on my tax discs. Having a search it seems there's a check box for the mot thing when you tax it online so answers that. Voluntary mot? Yeah I was thinking about insurance and stuff and to be fair it's in great nick and would walk through so it's no harm because...
  12. ovalsoul

    Series 2 Getting my 2a back on the road

    Cheers, it was tax exempt last time I used it, it's the mot I'm not sure of. Do I have to do anything other than tax and insure it? I feel like the government would want something registered somewhere. As for permitted mods It will be kept pretty much standard so I'm not worried on that score...
  13. ovalsoul

    Series 2 Getting my 2a back on the road

    Alright folks Joined up here a while ago when I started restoring my 2a then life promptly got in the way but I'm back on it now and noticed the old girl has gained mot exempt status as well as road tax (when did that happen!?) So what's the score when it's road worthy then? Do I have to mot...
  14. ovalsoul

    Squeaking bodywork (I know it's a landy, but still...)

    have you got bush's in the hinges?......i'v used pieces of hose pipe in the past
  15. ovalsoul

    2.25 diesel top speed!

    50mph sounds about right, you should able to get more if your really flogging it though
  16. ovalsoul

    The Sandringham Six

    ah yes, dint notice the original post date :)
  17. ovalsoul

    The Sandringham Six

    looks like you are doing a very good restoration job there fella, must say it is a shame about the 110 front end though
  18. ovalsoul

    anthracite modulars on my 11A?

    LIMESTONE!!! effing magnolia. LMAO! i'v clearly been away from landy's for far too long *hangs head in shame i'm not so sure about the modulars any more. what about green wolf wheels? i'v got LWB rims on it now but just fancy sommat different in a blatent effort to regain some landy...
  19. ovalsoul

    S2 dash panel info please

    depending how original you want it, it looks about right to me that hole between clocks is where my ignition is
  20. ovalsoul

    anthracite modulars on my 11A?

    aye forgot to say. its bronze green, magnolia roof and yes bare galvo cappings