
Active Member
Sorry everyone, I realise this is a pretty mundane topic as they go, but I've got a really loud squeaking coming from somewhere on the passenger side of my S3, possibly where the bulkhead meets the windscreen.

I never used to care or even notice it but apparently it's actually really loud outside the landy and people can hear me coming a mile off, so I've got a bit self-conscious about it, plus it's getting worse.

I haven't tracked it down exactly, so my common sense tells me that I should just start tightening bolts in the general area and maybe get a bit of lubricant in there and hope for the best.
I'm just wondering if anyone's got any ancient tips or tricks to help me on my way?

Cheers, and sorry again that this is such a boring thing to post about...
if it's getting worse then it can't be far off going BANG and stopping squeaking :D

Hmm, no idea where to start, can you get someone to drive slow speed whilst you have your head out of the window poking parts? Squeak finding is very hard!
If it can be heard from outside way of then I reckon it's something more mechanical than bodywork rubbing. Is it engine revs related? speed related? More info would help on this one. From the area you describe, could it be the blower motor?
Sorry for the delayed reply, been at work this evening. And thanks for the honest answers, I was expecting to get the **** ripped out of me for this one haha.

I'm sure it's not mechanical because on a smooth road there is no squeaking. I think the reason it can be heard from outside is just because it's a soft-top (lightweight), and a pretty bloody loud squeak. Also definitely sounds to me like a metallic noise rather than plastic but it's hard to tell.

Bonnet hinges is a possibility because it's coming from that kind of direction, but only on one side. Because the whole windscreen tips down I was also wondering if it might be part of that mechanism.

I gave the whole landy a good shake with the engine off the other day hoping that might reveal something but I couldn't rattle it hard enough. I guess maybe the answer is to get someone to drive down a nice bumpy track and see if I can pin it down as Bump said.

Anyway cheers again, I'll keep at it and let you know if I have any progress...
It was the bonnet hinges!!! A squirt of WD40 into each one and the squeak was gone. Ltwt Hybrid you're a bloody genius, cheers mate.
Couldn't really see what was going on inside the hinges but from the way they rattle about I'm guessing there's not a lot in there. Cheers Ovalsoul, good idea (and more of a permanent fix than WD40 haha)

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