
New Member
Hi all,

I started a rebuild of a Sandringham Six Stage 1 V8 and was wondering if anyone had any info about the company

Heres some picture so far of the rebuild the rest are on
6X6 pictures by josnos - Photobucket





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Quite the rarity! Are the lower photos the same vehicle, as it seems to have morphed into a 110? Would be shame to have to Q plate it...
Well, I have to say, you are making a really nice job of what you are doing.:D On the other hand, I'm a little surprised to see a Sandringham 6 disapear before my eyes..:eek:
But then, nothing really surprises me anymore :eek:

I have the possibility of getting a similar vehicle from Jordan - how is your rebuild going? Got any more pics?


looks like you are doing a very good restoration job there fella, must say it is a shame about the 110 front end though
Yeh technically the chassis will be different from the original, not a direct replacement, so on the points system 5 would be lost, and the suspension points too, and the points for the axles I presume, so would need a Q plate! I would hazard a guess that most MOT stations would probably fail to pick it up was it back on the original plates mind...
Should of said a Sandringham 6 and a stage 1,
The half track was a Rapier missile platform as I remember.
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There is a Sandringham 6 on ebay at the moment, i'm tempted but it looks like a long term project and i don't know how practical it would be to run one as an everyday vehicle!
one of those half track resides at milbrook testing ground.

I have a set of rims similar might be for sale in a couple of months J

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