1. sherwood

    Rear height sensor

    Thanks :-)
  2. sherwood

    Rear height sensor

    Hi guys Had a look around but can't really find what I'm looking for. Which is a guide for setting the height sensors at `home` I have new sensors coming Thursday (one broke, so I may as well replace the pair) and I have Hawkeye V7, now I just need a set procedure to set the back end up Thanks...
  3. sherwood

    Disco 2 12V Supply Query

    Someone read my mind. Just fitted a dash cam into Angies Abarth and this weekends job is the Disco. Thanks for the advice chaps. Btw, can't you just unplug the dash cam when it's not being used to save battery drain? That's what I do in the T5 :-) Tim
  4. sherwood

    Disco 2 Electric mirrors doing the hokey cokey

    I'm not sure if its just the control toggle, but I am having trouble with the folding mirrors. They fold in fine, that's the problem, I can't get them to stay out! From folded in, if I just press the toggle downwards, they start going out, the move back in. If I hold the toggle down until they...
  5. sherwood

    Disco 2 dynachip

    I'm very tempted, had mine about a month, and although I love it, from a standing start, it's like a slug on blotting paper!!!:D :D:D How much is a remap?
  6. sherwood

    Disco 2 Paranoid again :-(

    Thanks chaps. I always fit the disklok to my T5, maybe investing in another isn't the end of the world :p:p:p:p
  7. sherwood

    Disco 2 Paranoid again :-(

    Thanks mate Made me feel much better :p:p:p:p
  8. sherwood

    Disco 2 Paranoid again :-(

    Sorry chaps, need a cuddle. I'm reading of so many Defenders being stolen and I'm beginning to worry about my Disco being parked on the street at night. I bought my disco over a defender and really glad I did. I love everything about it. But I also went for the disco as it appeared there was...
  9. sherwood

    Disco 1 disklok

    Was hoping I wasn't going to read about having to fit security devices to a disxo
  10. sherwood

    Plastic wheel ramps

    If i had a level driveway, I would have had a four post lift many years ago mate. I'll keep looking, but comparing some of the metal ramps on fleabay, they are identical to the ones sold by MM, but at half the price. And I've never been to impressed by some of the welding tbh. Although my...
  11. sherwood

    Plastic wheel ramps

    Does anyone use Rhino or similar plastic ramps? Could do with something lighter than steel ones tbh ;) Tim:p
  12. sherwood

    Plunge taken!!!

    Yes mate, your all welcome ;) Asking my dad for the use of the pit is like asking him to raise the titanic!! Major operation and I'm the only one to ever use it! :rolleyes:
  13. sherwood

    Plunge taken!!!

    No mate, not yet. But I have booked my Father's inspection pit for a week (he's on holiday) in May, then I can spend every evening on it. Hopefully get the underneath waxoyled at the same time ;-) Cheers
  14. sherwood

    Plunge taken!!!

    Well done mate, best thing I've done for years, and should have done it a long time ago. Just a tip on the oil pump bolt, make sure you can remove the crossmember bolts before you do anything else, like drain the oil. I managed 3 of the 8 bolts, the rest are fubar'd. I now have to get them out...
  15. sherwood

    Disco 1 Sump sealant

    Interesting, I thought the TD5 rubber gasket should be installed dry? Except for the little bits shown in RAVE? I'm about to do the oil pump bolt, so curious........... Tim
  16. sherwood

    Disco 1 Headlight guards

    Yep, thanks, just liking to keep my options open :p:p:p
  17. sherwood

    Disco 1 Headlight guards

    You got any pix?
  18. sherwood

    Disco 1 Headlight guards

    Well.................maybe not 100% original :p
  19. sherwood

    Disco 1 Headlight guards

    I have trawled the web for metal ones, no-one seems to be making them. I don't really want to drill holes in my wings, especially to fix plastic ones that Mr thieving scrote will just quickly cut through. Looks like being the full steel winch bumper with headlight guards!!! :p:p:p
  20. sherwood

    Disco 1 Headlight guards

    That's a funny link, it just brings you back to here :confused: