1. discool

    Disco 1 The mysterious pressure reducing brake valve.

    Rubbish but perhaps he thinks you have D1 with air suspension or supplied the wrong item 🤔 Did they ask the model year of your vehicle and if it had ABS or not. If you have a 200 series D1 and which is RHD then the pt number for a pressure control release valve is NTC 6868L although I expect...
  2. discool

    Disco 2 Looking for part nrs. clips and stay cover front wheel arch

    Google : U type panel clips, or just panel clips. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/183729524688?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=EgGS6wAyTp-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ollszqPzTla&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  3. discool

    V8 down on power

    The fuelling for the engine is controlled by an ECU, so cause & effect, find out why its running rich it could be as simple as an iffy temperature sensor. Some 3.5s were fitted as a customer option with an exhaust catalyst which sometimes have their own problems with sensors. Possibly it would...
  4. discool

    V8 down on power

    The H prefix takes u to the first EFI 3.5 engined disco from Aug 1990 to July 1991. The 3.5 is not the most powerful of disco 1 V8s… but you shouldn’t find an issue going up motorway hills other than pushing down the throttle a bit further maybe, for other hills u may have to drop a gear ratio...
  5. discool

    D1 intermittent wipers don't work

    Its coloured green if its original and positioned on the end of the bottom row of three, also a green petrol pump relay is in the RH footwell. I don’t think the number of doors the vehicle has will make any difference. 🤔
  6. discool

    How's best to clean

    Purchase a rubber/plastic bung or bungs to suit if u have more holes, and with some degreaser and brush loosen it up and then use a hose or power washer. Just standard stuff 😊
  7. discool

    D1 300tdi Heater cutting out!

    How exact do you want to be ? I do know the location of the main points as they are obvious enough within the engine bay and foot wells. 😊
  8. discool

    Which head Gasket to buy

    Oh a link showing a five cylinder head gasket, As I don’t know anything about diesel or TD5s or any other head gaskets, so I can’t help.😊
  9. discool

    D1 300tdi Heater cutting out!

    Possibly an iffy earth connection, maybe in the engine bay or the one in each of the front foot wells.
  10. discool

    New passenger footwell plugs

    Soldering crimp connectors is a bad idea. A soldered connection is rigid, so any movement of the wire will cause it to harden at the connection, eventually causing it to break. The crimp will move some so there is not a single stress point. Also there can be issues using heat at the point of a...
  11. discool

    Base idle tuning - Disco 1 - V8 3.9L

    It is a symptom of a faulty idle control valve (stuck or sticking)… its another fragile item the V8 has I believe, so, follow the instructions if you wish to remove it. The idle speed is over 1000 RPM + when first starting from cold but should settle down with in 10 seconds, my disco drops...
  12. discool

    Disco 1 swivel pin

    The ABS was fitted/option for the 300 series D, so as the OP has done his research and given a part number confirmed in the attached link we can assume that their post relates to the 200 series.
  13. discool

    Disco 1 swivel pin

    U have the correct part number. 😊 The shims depending on their thickness, are 751743 or 44 or 45 or 46.
  14. discool

    Which head Gasket to buy

    True, but a slipped liner makes a tapping sound as it reaches top or bottom or both ends of the cylinder, I did see a uTube vid once which recorded the sound and theres no mistaking it. It appeared to be common with V8 engines overheating by running on barbecue gas. As for your head gasket...
  15. discool

    Water hose in throttle body

    So the outlet on the inlet manifold supplying coolant to the plenum water jacket assembly must be now blanked off then. The three hose connectors involved are steal therefore can corrode the same way as core plugs can and do when the incorrect coolant mixture is used in an alloy engine. I...
  16. discool

    Disco 1 Immobiliser issues

    I’m only going by your photos as I’ve never been there, so it appears that the coil is just a a sliding fit over the key barrel, without any such thing as plastic lugs, that always snap, to retain it, so that leaves the steering column cowl to retain it when it is fitted maybe, or some DIY with...
  17. discool

    Disco 1 Interior Light door switch wiring

    As you say “Have changed the MFU with a unit that has been tested” I take it all the other circuits controlled by the MFU were ok when the diagnostic test was done. As the heated rear screen relay is also switched by the MFU and which requires the engine running when checking the rear heated...
  18. discool

    Discovery 1 immobaliser

    Not, if as the OPs states in his first post they have a automatic 300Tdi. Anyway, theres a lot easier way, without stripping the dash down to access the spider, and then still retaining the vehicles immobiliser security.😊
  19. discool

    Water hose in throttle body

    Water cooling ? Better to post a photo of what you have. There should be two hoses, flow & return as shown below which is permanent what ever the temperature is, if they leak then tighten the hose clips or replace the rubber hose simple.
  20. discool

    Rough idle - discovery 1

    Simples first, so remove the crankcase breather (flame trap) and its hose to the plenum chamber and soak in petrol to clean it, then refit, If you still have an issue carefully remove the throttle control valve and clean and replace and then check the base idle which was set in the factory...