
Is there any way around the immobiliser on a disco 1 300tdi
Has just the green box under the glove box
Has linked the orange and black wire. The engine turns over but won’t activate the pump
Have put power to stop solenoid but still now life
Any advice please
Is there any way around the immobiliser on a disco 1 300tdi
Has just the green box under the glove box
Has linked the orange and black wire. The engine turns over but won’t activate the pump
Have put power to stop solenoid but still now life
Any advice please
Auto or manual?
Not, if as the OPs states in his first post they have a automatic 300Tdi.

Anyway, theres a lot easier way, without stripping the dash down to access the spider, and then still retaining the vehicles immobiliser security.😊
Seems that it's just another post for the same issue https://www.landyzone.co.uk/land-rover/discovery-1-300tdi-immobiliser.395564/ and as it's automatic it doesnt have a spider(that's for manuals) but "Electronic/EDC immobilisation" which can't be "hacked" by joining wires so quit doing this cos you can only make it worst, this one works with a security code otherwise it inhibits the EDC ECU which manages the injection timing... the only way to remobilise it is with a working fob, EKA code and fixing the system to faultless status or it can be set to be disarmed with key with a dedicated diagnostic tool..., see about the EDC immobilisation here https://blackbox-solutions.com/help/SM031.html

eventually try this: https://www.technozen-electronics.co.uk/land-rover-10as-alarm-ecu-services/

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I've followed all the posts relating to EDC autos not starting as i encountered the issue as an intermittent non start. None of the posts come to any conclusion so i have to assume these vehicles were scrapped or converted to the manual pump.
This is the first time I've seen any information posted, thank you Sierrafery
if that's all you cand do in your own thread after 6 replies to the first post you wrote(one reply with seerious info) i think you dont deserve a licence to drive a vehicle cos it can be dangerous for others, get some therapy m8 cos the "imobaliser" is your last concern IMO.... no offence :mad:
if that's all you cand do in your own thread after 6 replies to the first post you wrote(one reply with seerious info) i think you dont deserve a licence to drive a vehicle cos it can be dangerous for others, get some therapy m8 cos the "imobaliser" is your last concern IMO.... no offence :mad:
He may just be a very slow reader!
And replier.
>>>.... which means that such "moron" can be dangerous for others while driving a LR :mad: ... my bad that i didnt respect my own decision revealed in the red signature ... it has a good reason ;)
I’m sorry to offend anyone, I was having a Quick Look on here last night and didn’t have my glasses, I think you need to calm down a bit 😂

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