1. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Fixing Detached Trim

    This is the key bit After contacting 3M UK I got some of thier RP45 VHB tape. This is 1.1mm thick, 12mm wide and 33m long and £18.00 delivered. 3M,s instructions recomend surfaces to be bonded are first cleaned with Isopropyl alcahol. This is not available on the high street, but is about...
  2. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Fixing Detached Trim

    As the article says. Genuine Scotch 3M tape does the job.
  3. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 What Mileage is your D2 on?

    Mines got about 89K on last time I looked.
  4. Feathers McGraw

    Happy Christmas

    Merry Christmas. Hope all your presents unwrap easily!
  5. Feathers McGraw

    Discovery 2 alloys

    Have seen posts on here confirming ride in 18s is harsher than 16s when they've "upgraded". Seems reasonable to deduce 20s will be even more so. Me, I'm happy isolated from the cobbles we have up north but each to their own! :)
  6. Feathers McGraw

    Disco auto box

    If that's the case you need to offer unlimited tea and cakes for someone local to plug in a Nanocom or Hawkeye diagnostic to read for fault codes.
  7. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Air Con Coil

    No. I put a Gates belt on and it squealed on starting and stopping the engine. Swapped it for a genuine Contitech and no noise since. The outer edge was smooth on the Gates and not gripping properly on the pulleys running on that part.
  8. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Water leak treatment - 2 questions please

    Isn't an egg better in the cooling system? :eek:
  9. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Water leak treatment - 2 questions please

    Agree with this. Give the suspected area two or three coverings (or until it stops seeping into the crack) and then I cover with a thin layer of Sikaflex to protect it.
  10. Feathers McGraw

    Splash screen

    Calling @gstuart
  11. Feathers McGraw

    Optional extras on disc 2

    Same here. One of the best and easiest additions I've done.
  12. Feathers McGraw

    Sunroof removal

    Some here. Not cheap... https://www.designdevelopmenteng.co.uk/store/Discovery-II-Sunroof-Drain-Plastics-Pair-p80296131
  13. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 wet transfer box

    No. They just mark their territory.
  14. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Changing autobox oil - solo?

    Just requires a bit of moving between under and inside the car. Will be quicker with two but easy enough solo. Just remember to put it back into Park everytime.
  15. Feathers McGraw

    Other what have u done on ur disco today

    Just replaced the crush gasket on the oil drain from the turbo to cure a weep which was just starting. Also helicoiled one of the threads for the rotary oil filter cover, the one nearer the engine is fine, t'other one has been biting the threads further down ever since I got it and last oil...
  16. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Cup Holder

    Same here, but in Smokestone Grey. Pricey but good.
  17. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Air suspension blowout issue

    Sod them! Get one! :)
  18. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Air suspension blowout issue

    Here you go https://workshop-manuals.com/landrover/discovery-ii/rear_suspension/repairs/compressor_unit_air_sls/ I just used a decent 3/8 drive socket, either a full hex or wall drive one. Didn't have a problem. I did have replacement bolts ready just in case.
  19. Feathers McGraw

    Disco 2 Air suspension blowout issue

    Could well be sensors. Easy enough to swop, did mine last year matter of minutes to do. Need a Nanocom or similar to set them and best buying genuine parts.