1. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    Look. I'm goin' the garage for a bottle of meths' cus i'm ded thirsty like, so i'll give it 'death' down our road, and lob the handbrake on and see if you're right. I'll report back in ten minutes. ;)
  2. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    Managed to get me grubby mitts on a nice pair of....................................................................................................................................... 2nd hand pedals 'n' associated gubbins! :D Just gorra do a bira bodgin' now...
  3. C.J.

    Timewasters i hate them!!!

    I bloody hate selling ANYTHING tbh. Tossers everywhere that seem just to be on a mission to **** you off. :mad: Last car i sold, was a rammy old metro for an ex mate of mine...tosser...and the tosser that bought it off me for £200 rang me 2 weeks later to tell me the gearbox had packed up...
  4. C.J.

    Anyone Running a TD5 on Veg ????

    They do don't they? I'd swear mine's running quieter. Lowers the emissions too apparently, which is good news at mot time. I think these cookin' oil companies have got wind what we're up to, and have hiked the prices accordingly. Or am i just being my usual cynical miserable mistrusting...
  5. C.J.

    Tyres...knobbly ones.

    Well that's ded 'andy like. Giz 5 mins an' i'll be there. :rolleyes: Don't even know exactly what i want yet tbh, but they gorra be road legal and grizzly.
  6. C.J.

    Tyres...knobbly ones.

    Where's best for a decent set of off road skins then ey lads, cus mine are nearly bladdered. All the local tyre 'ouses 'round 'ere just mutter about not stocking such items, so we all know what that means if they're special order...+£££££££££'s, and being a tight arse, I don't do...
  7. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    Looks like yous talked yerself into the job then matey. I'm on me way with tenner in mitt.
  8. C.J.

    Non-veg biodiesel

    Dya get/read me message earlier you snarlin' old buzzard? Wouldn't want you comin' down 'ere and than blamin' me cus it's cost ya.:mad:
  9. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    I've been advised that's not possible without the horrendous expense of sourcing a 2nd hand LHD pedal box, and then all the associated fiddlin linkin' it up to the original stuff. Way over my capabilities that.:rolleyes: 'He Man' and others, don't do duals cus of the transmission tunnel. Just...
  10. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    Thank the Lord! :rolleyes: If i wasn't such a cymical old get, i'd swear those 3 old nuggets are tryin' to wind me up.;) Oh, and no, it's not a trialling scam. It's a 'letting kids drive my Landy....and other unmentionable makes with dual controls....;)...on an off roading course i've...
  11. C.J.

    Non-veg biodiesel

    I think you'll probably find that you got it just before it went up then. £13.29 i think it was, and that was the cheapest.:rolleyes:
  12. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    I KNOW that.... NOW! That's why i've been askin' about an alternative.:rolleyes:
  13. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    I put it on JUST before i stopped, without thinking, thinking i was driving a car with a normal handbrake. Just being a lazy get i suppose, so yes, it was done accidentaly on purpose. OK?
  14. C.J.

    Anyone Running a TD5 on Veg ????

    I THINK he means he's fillin' up with 50% Golden Browns rip off juice, and 50% bio. The bio I get from 'round 'ere is apparently 50% ordinary diesel anyway.....apparently, so the far eastern owner tells me.
  15. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    Yes..... No. :confused: Doh, stop bein' pedantic, you know what i mean ffs. :rolleyes:
  16. C.J.

    Non-veg biodiesel

    ...and then what? Turn me 'ouse into a ferkin refinery? :eek: How long before 'customs' get a sniff of it anyway with clouds of smoke billowing out of me garage? Then we're knackered.:mad: Thanks for thanking me for going to COSTCO with you in mind, you gribbly old rodent. ;)
  17. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    Pardon my ignorance, but i've only accidentally used it once whilst coming to a standstill whilst still moving very very slowly. The banging and crashing that went on was enough for me to NEVER do that again. Is it actually 'gripping' the half shafts then? :confused:
  18. C.J.

    Alternative handbrake?

    Bloody comedian.:rolleyes: ;)
  19. C.J.

    Non-veg biodiesel

    Just come back from COSTCO (fao Yella ;) ) , and i'm very sad to say they've put THEIR prices up too! Sods. :mad: Worked out @ over 66p a liter in 20 liter drums whch is what i'm paying at The Asda in more manageable 3 liter bottles. :rolleyes: The search for the cheapest veggy oil will...
  20. C.J.

    im thinking of buying a 2005 1.8 freelander....

    I was too until two days ago when i joined! :D Bit 'gruff' around the edges in 'ere krismc., as i discovered very rapidly, but i'm sure they all mean well really.....ish.;) As the pleasantly named SLOB lol sez though, you've saved yerself an absolute potential shed load of grief and dosh...