1. pete@her

    any had this

    so thats a no then?
  2. pete@her

    any had this

    hi again , apparently on the 300 they are prod of the block and in the Manuel it say the same , just thought someone mite of had the same?
  3. pete@her

    any had this

    on 300 tdi 97 auto.piston hitting the head someone told me this happens? wrong h/gasket.if you have wot were the symptoms and how did you find out wot it was. thanks peter.
  4. pete@her

    I'm baffled !

    it only starts in park/nut,try bypassing switch on g/box but if it is that better change switch don't just bypass it. before you try that pull/push g/lever in park 1st
  5. pete@her

    Disco Project :D

    looks a good job to me bud, don't wait till june give it to me :rolleyes: tell ya wot you have mine that will give you somthing todo till june,
  6. pete@her

    Hello from Scotland

    :welcome2: wot sort of money, any pic's
  7. pete@her

    Bloody ell! Bloody ell! Bloody ell!

    good then isit:D
  8. pete@her

    New from Cornwall

    hi zig, was kernow now devon but very close. w.l. wot u upto at praa then,
  9. pete@her

    hello from france

    hi martin,so wots the problem.? i don't now your place but was going to buy in la combe also n/f. :banana:
  10. pete@her

    Wont start

    have you taken spark plug out see if wet /colour.? maybe leads.? can you here a slight ticking or in the dark shows as blue light tracking from ht/lead. have you pushed all ht leads in/or on there fittings. any water on the plugs?
  11. pete@her

    cut out non start

    have you tryed fuel filter /sed/filter. fuel stop you can bypass by putting live to it but if it starts it wount stop so make sure you can get wire off .
  12. pete@her

    Hi from Devon

    hi bohan, :welcome2:
  13. pete@her

    PLEASE HELP, non starter

    stick a jump lead on erth to engine. as this model got the elc fule stop on the inj/pump like the later auto disco?
  14. pete@her

    p38 non starter phase 2

    on mine it turned out to be duff fuse box
  15. pete@her

    a few probs i have

    ya nice fock u
  16. pete@her

    a few probs i have

    wot l/rover is it ?
  17. pete@her

    hi im new :D

    hi mate .welcome
  18. pete@her

    Ni hao, from China!

    well enjoy i'v never been out of gb,
  19. pete@her

    So what do you carry

    i carry i tool box mixed ,t/roop @ shackles, high beam lamp,water,oil,leather man never without this. something to drink/smoke. and bsa ultra ss .22 carbine (nighthawk sights ,sas moderator,fitted lamp, i love rabbit) and a 177 for the rats,Cami suit etc, no were for shopping so empty it out...
  20. pete@her

    Ni hao, from China!

    hi and welcome home when it happens ,good luck with your v/long distance search. i'v always fanced a l/weight maybe one day.