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    Defender Virgin

    No! they aren't ugly, they just are not beautiful, like an E type Jaguar, or an MGA, or Brigitte Bardot, 40 years ago.
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    bio deisel

    hui, I'm not too familiar with Defender diesels, what type of injector pump do you have, is it a Lucas/CAV or a bosch pump? Lucas /CAVs can be a real pain in the arse, they aren't as robust as inline pumps and are less tolerant than Bosch rotary injection pumps. Kind regards...Ron.
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    diesel engine in a 1982 Range Rover Classic

    I've got a 3.636l Isuzu diesel engine, I plan to put into a Range Rover, I was wondering if anyone else on the forum has done a similar conversion. I was going to make an adapter myself to couple the engine to the 4 speed Range Rover gearbox, but I was thinking maybe I should get a later model...
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    were people shorter in the good old days ?

    Tookey, hahaha, people were shorter in the good old days, it's the higher protein diet and all these growth promotants that we ingest that increases our height. Seriously though. I'm 6'1" and I feel more comfortable in the Land Rover than I did in the 2 Nissan Patrols and the 2 Toyota...
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    second batt. RR classic.

    I have a 1982 Range Rover classic and it has 2 battery holders, one on each side of the radiator, I thought they were all like this, but it may be an Australian Land Rover modification. Kind regards...Ron.
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    running your car on vegtable oil

    I saw that Myth Busters show here and I was a bit disappointed with their test with the hydrogen electrolyser, A friend and me built a similar unit and fitted it on another friends Ford Falcon, we chose him to test it because he is so fastidious about recording his fuel consumption. He...
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    running your car on vegtable oil

    Hi, I'm still running my series 3 stage 1 Land Rover on vegetable oil, it's been about 4 years now, and I haven't had any problems. I replaced the steel fuel tank with a stainless steel one, I made up using a 50 litre laundry tub, I put a heat exchanger in the tank I got from a scrap metal...
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    Disgruntled Owner!!

    James I think you're just trying to take the **** out of us series owners, I've owned 2 Nissan Patrols and 2 Toyota Landcruisers and own now 4 Land Rovers . I honestly consider the Land Rovers ; the best 4wd vehicles I've ever owned. They might be a bit rough compared to some of the poofy 4wds...
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    duel fuel

    Maybe this is a bit cruel, but I wish Len Drover would log in and post some new threads. I haven't laughed so much in years. kind regards...Ron
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    duel fuel

    Len Drover, When referring to dual fuel in a petrol engine, the other option is LPG, generally speaking, though some clever people can also run on methane gas, producer gas, or hydrogen gas. Diesel engines ignite through compression, utilising injectors which are similar to those used for...
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    Isuzu 4BE1 3.6 litre diesel in a 1982 Range Rover

    Eightinavee, thank you for your reply, the diesel engine I'm using came from a 2 ton Isuzu truck, it's not a turbo, though I am considering fitting a turbo to it. You're right about the 6wd Australian army Land Rovers, they were fitted with a turbo, the 4wd 3.9 diesels were not turbo-ed, all...
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    Isuzu 4BE1 3.6 litre diesel in a 1982 Range Rover

    I recently bought a 1982 4 door Range Rover and plan to fit a 4BE1 diesel in it. The engine only cost me $100 from a friend, I bought the Range Rover for $900, and it's in very good condition, no rust at all, I doubt if it spent much time offroad. I like the Isuzu diesel, I've got a series 3...
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    Vegatable Oil in a Series 3 Landy

    Sri lankan I made up a dual fuel system and ran 4 metres of copper pipe through the waste oil tank to heat up the vegetable oil, I switch over using a 3 port ball valve with a tap on the return line to direct the fuel into it's appropriate tank. You will be better off blending the fuel if your...
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    engine conversion

    tev Last friday I bought a 1982 Range Rover with the intention of replacing the worn out V8 with a 3.636 litre Isuzu diesel, I have a 1982 3.9l Isuzu diesel series 3 stage 1 Land Rover (factory option in Australia), I suspect we would have to replace the ignition switch with a diesel compatible...
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    running your car on vegtable oil

    Tigapiglet, I would be interested in seeing the pics of your heat exchanger and the tent trailer too if you would. I have made up a few heat exchangers as I have other machines to convert. We are experiencing high diesel prices here now, the excuse is the hurricane on the west coast of the USA...
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    Shooter, it sounds like the fuel system to me, but check the obvious first, the fuel filter, the float level in the carby, make sure the air cleaner is not clogged and starving the carby for air. What work did you do on the rebuild of the engine?
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    running your car on vegtable oil

    Bigstoo, it's up to you, I have bought the plans and I will make the device, if it has any pitfalls I will let you know. If it does work, then it is a cheap price to pay,to get free fuel indefinitely. When everthing is considered information is the cheapest thing money can buy, you have to take...
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    running your car on vegtable oil

    I have been researching other alternative fuels for quite some time, recently I came across a site by an Australian inventor, who claims he can produce diesel from sump oil. The inventor is Michael Verrall , his company is Verrall Electrical, and he comes from South Australia. His website is...
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    Tyres and timing

    Sheddy, The Firestone tires the army used, are probably thick walled light truck tires, any radial ply tire with a decent tread pattern would reduce the road noise. If the vehicle runs better at 20.5 degrees BTDC, I would keep it at that setting, after all, army Land Rover mechanics know their...
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    running your car on vegtable oil

    Charlotte, I know vegetable oil contains an anti-oxidant,(to prevent the oil from going rancid) and an anti-foaming agent, but have never come across a fire retardant in the vegetable oil. When people were setting their vehicles up to utilise waste oil, the big oil companies started making some...