
New Member
Hi folks

Having just finished re-building a 1972 series III petrol I have just driven a landy for the second time in my life so you could say I'm a complete novice.
The problem seems to be a complete lack of power, top speed is 45mph and any hill needs to be taken in 2nd gear. Now I didn't expect the old girl to be quick and I'm not concerned with speeding along, but is this normal? The engine does not smoke and sounds great but it does cut out sometimes when coasting or dipping the clutch to change gear!

Any suggestions would be very welcome.


Shooter, it sounds like the fuel system to me, but check the obvious first, the fuel filter, the float level in the carby, make sure the air cleaner is not clogged and starving the carby for air.
What work did you do on the rebuild of the engine?
Thanks for the reply

As far as the engine is concerned, because it sounded so good I left it well alone. The air filter was cleaned and oil replaced, oil and filter changed, the pipe to the carb was replaced, new pluggs fitted, new vaccum pipe to carb and a new fan belt.

I will check the fuel filter and carb.
Without an overdrive, 45-55mph is about the norm without thrashing the nuts off your engine. You shouldn't have to change down to second up hills though, not unless it's the mother of all inclines! What sort of hills are you talking about?

I'm not talking big hills, my car can takle the same route in 3rd or 4th without any kind of problems.
The landy however drops to 10-15 mph and even on very slight inclines I have to change down to 3rd to keep moving.

Top speed seems about right but I think you need to give the engine a full service. Timing, carburettor, plugs, air filter, engine oil & filter. Then see how you go.
Thanks for all the replies chaps.

I will give the engine a full service and let you know what differenc it makes.

Thanks for all your help everyone

One to remember for the future, it turned out to be the contact points. The gap had closed up due to wear on the cam follower, a quick adjustment and she now sings like a bird.

Yeah, glad you solved it & it turned out simple & cheap.

It's almost always the wee little overlooked things that confound (yeah, I know, little bloody help now you've found it, but it is always them wee bits though!) ;)

Like Sunking101 said, now you'll be up with me in my III, burning off Beemers & Boxsters at the lights.............not! :D

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