
New Member
can a run ma def 200 tdi on this,

can this be bought from the forecourt

which garages sell it

is it safe as ma landies just hud £1500.00 spent on hur, ive nae money left:eek:
hui, I'm not too familiar with Defender diesels, what type of injector pump do you have, is it a Lucas/CAV or a bosch pump? Lucas /CAVs can be a real pain in the arse, they aren't as robust as inline pumps and are less tolerant than Bosch rotary injection pumps.
Kind regards...Ron.
hui, I'm not too familiar with Defender diesels, what type of injector pump do you have, is it a Lucas/CAV or a bosch pump? Lucas /CAVs can be a real pain in the arse, they aren't as robust as inline pumps and are less tolerant than Bosch rotary injection pumps.
Kind regards...Ron.

Ive not got a clue,

How do i find out and al go and look

200 will go brilliantly on the stuff. If your IP is bang on for diesel, it will work nicely, if its out for diesel then there is a 50/50 chance it will be out the wrong way for the slightly different burning properties of bio and make it go a little less well. Hope that makes sence... I have heard a few people say bio makes their engine less powerfull, truth is its the timing.

The Bosch pump, being German and all, is actully made ready for bio.

It can be bought from a number of places, seach bio diesel on google UK, and there is a good site with all the forecourts listed.
200 will go brilliantly on the stuff. If you IP is bang on for diesel, it will work nicely, if its out for diesel then there is a 50/50 chance it will be out the wrong way for the slightly different burning properties of bio and make it go a little less well. Hope that makes sence... I have heard a few people say bio makes their engine less powerfull, truth is its the timing.

It can be bought from a number of places, seach bio diesel on google UK, and there is a good site with all the forecourts listed.

right thanx a lot matey:D
ffs donalds nephew, he means if yer ip is set up right, like mine is, then your 200tdi will run a treat on bio derv, like mine does, more mpg, less smoke, faster response, if your ip is set up wrong, ie, your pump timing is out, then it will run like a bag of ****e, but if yer pump timing is wrong it probably already is running like a bag of ****e, do you understand now ???
ffs donalds nephew, he means if yer ip is set up right, like mine is, then your 200tdi will run a treat on bio derv, like mine does, more mpg, less smoke, faster response, if your ip is set up wrong, ie, your pump timing is out, then it will run like a bag of ****e, but if yer pump timing is wrong it probably already is running like a bag of ****e, do you understand now ???

fms hui am gettin to be ashamed to be a porridge wog wiff you about, try and keep up will you?
a doant no wit yur on aboot slob, member am fae anur ****ry, in tryin ma best tae keep up, am new tae this,
a doant no wit yur on aboot slob, member am fae anur minimanry, in tryin ma best tae keep up, am new tae this,
oi this is yer first warnin you int aloud to use naughty wurds so you better edit yer post to read as above
no good, the only acceptable alternative is to use the term miniman like wot ah sed. now correct yer foul flithy dirty dirty naughty wurd

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