1. U

    Hello from Sheffield

    Ha ha, the spare is in the back of it, it has damaged the door abit, think that will be my first practice with the mig.
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    worth more in bits

    Here she is, shes called Betty. Heres a little about her.
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    worth more in bits

    Hard day at work today so feeling tired. I read your post all wrong, thought you was going to take it to bits and sell it all lol.
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    worth more in bits

    Dont spit out the dummy mate, i have spat mine out loads. Got so close to just packing in and weighing her in. As i have said many times on here, i have no time, cash nor experience of welding and she needs abit of that :D. But going to keep soldiering on. She will be worth it in the end...
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    Started Resto work on my S3

    Thank you very much for what you have put up so far. Although its not the full footwells (which i have to do) it gives me a rough idea. What tool did you use to cut it out with ?
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    Which Welder?

    Should be great, mines only good for light work (body patching) http://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/product/details/mig151en-turbo-no-gas-mig-welder/path/dual-purpose-and-inno-gasin-mig-welders Works out about £7 more, but you have a shop to talk to, not just a ebay name.
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    Which Welder?

    I have a Clarke pro 90 (my first welder) No thad chance to use it, My dad did last week. Got it form my uncle, more or less brand new £40 from my uncle. Needed wire, gas regulator and bottle.
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    Started Resto work on my S3

    I agree with the holiday to Yorkshire :D, Isn't it great when you have some were proper to work :(
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    Started Resto work on my S3

    Thanks mate, got to do both side on mine. Have not got a DIY bone in my body. Done have the first clue were to start.
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    Started Resto work on my S3

    Hay dirtyrhino, Great job of the bulk head. Just wondering if you have started on the footwells yet ? If not, would you mind putting a pic walk through of how to go about it ?
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    2.5 def 90 diesel into s2a

    I put a 2.5 12j engine in my series 3. It was my first project, had to make the mounts but works a treat.
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    Couldn't see why not, Will keep you in mind. Thank you I know what you mean, I have the near side nearly off (1 stubborn last bolt holding it on) and have to get out and get the off side off. But like you say its too cold. Also i have time against me. Have plenty of friends that...
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    Going to order mine soon (paddocks). Is yours on the road ? Gareth
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    I have a few people that have offered help, but when its crunch time will they be there ? Once the better weather comes i'm going to get on with having a go at welding, but with no garage, full time job, no spare cash and not much spare time. Its like mission impossible.
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    Still looking for some sort of walk through, Project on hold till better weather. Still got no practice welding :( would not know were to start on this. Doin my head in :Cry:
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    your land rovers name

    Mines Betty dont know why, just a random name me and my dad though of :o
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    Battery help, Repair ?

    Cheers guys, It worked a treat. The terminal was abit big but nothing a file did not sort out.
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    Battery help, Repair ?

    All fixed guys. Its just charging and ill try it out on monday, but as far as i can see its all reading right on the multi meter. Easy fix really. Bit off wood just as this as a normal round terminal. Drill a holl the same size, plenty of vasaline. a small thick screw, screwed in to the...
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    Battery help, Repair ?

    Ohhh tell me more, I was just going to tap a bolt in it for now, just to keep help turning her over till shes ready for the road (long time away). then buy a new one.
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    Gerty gets a makeover...

    OZAWOZA, She is lovley. Its great when you have to space (garage) to do stuff. also time, cash flow and friends help :D I am stuck with mine at the moment as working 5 out of 7 and no garage to mess in after hours or on days off :mad: Good luck with the brakes.