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Well thanks to some help from some of the guys on here I've finally figured out how to get some pictures on from my Facebook page...

I bought this 1975 Series 3 from a young lad in the village who had got it himself from a local farmer after seeing it sat in a field for about 10 years... well he did some bits and got it running etc before before I bought if off him

Although mechanically quite good, the chassis was rotted in several places and the body had been hand painted to turn it from blue to green. The foot wells and bulkhead were rotted and it leaked oil like a sieve.

Never having lifted a spanner before, I enlisted the help of a friend who knows his way around a land rover, and we set about a rebuild....

The basic plan was to create a solid foundation to then build the Landy around (Now called "Gerty" by my wife) in the form of a new Galvanised chassis from Marsland and a Galvanised Bulkhead from Ashtree. From there, basically get her rebuilt as quick as possible to get her back on the road, from where I could dabble with bits and pieces from then to eternity whilst hopefully learning a bit on the way


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Forgot to mention... Gerty is a SWB 2.25 diesel Safari (you probably noticed that from the pictures anyway)

The strip down commenced and the rot in the chassis proved to be more extensive that first realised so the Galvanised chassis idea seemed to be a good one, and what a lovely lump of metal is looked when it arrived!

I was surprised how simple these trucks appeared, but having said that I was not a lot more than an interested bystander for most of it due to a major spinal operation just as the rebuild started, so Jamie carried on with most of the work on his own - Top Bloke!


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The rebuild begins... engine and gearbox get a good clean (nothing more for the moment), chassis gets mounted onto new parabolic springs and procomp (+2") dampers.

Galvanised bulkhead arrives from Ashtree and gets mounted along with lifting in of engine and transmission. New propshaft added as the original got slightly bent somehow and engine brought back to life...


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Body work back on, MOT ticket in the bag and Gerty is back on the road... Even built a new home for her to live in - HAPPY DAYS!

Only problem is a major lean (approximately30mm) to the drivers side?


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Following lots of research, hours on the tinternet and telephone, and after changing laft to right hand of springs and full replacement set of springs from Paddocks, and then changing their handing without success, I got a refund and purchased a new set of handed parabolics from GB Springs - problem solved in an instant. In fact a very slight lean to the passenger side of about 5mm, but with fuel in the tank and my ample bulk in the drivers seat this results in an absolutely spot on level - Great

Bit of tinkering going on now, have plugged most of the oil leaks (Sumps, fuel pump conection, engine sump again cos one of the threads was stripped). Some "Bling" added in the form of chequer plate to wing tops (no more than that), rims and tyres changed for a set of original 7.50xR16's to replace the previous 8 spokes.

Dished bonnet added with wheel mount, and lovely set of galvanised cappings from Ashtree and top taken off to make the most of the last sunny days of summer!

Things still to do:-

Replace rear axle as plate cracked and temporarily filled
replace brake pipes with new copper and add extended braided hoses
Add rear seats
New canvas full tilt roof and hoops to go on
add tailgate door
Fit Heater control cable in time for winter
fit new engine stop cable
sort out oil leak through rear hub seal
rub down and paint to make uniform colour (although I'll probably not worry too much about the dents and dings)
new chassis harness to fit as has been bodged many times over the years

Plus a 1001 other things no doubt?

Anyway that's Gerty so far....


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To be honest in too much of a rush to get her back on the road - just managed to get the last couple of nice weekends driving her around without the top on - Great Fun!!! so glad I did what I did... trouble is now I need to wait for the Full tilt to arrive so that I can take her out in the Autumn - Hopefully here in the next few days
Having never painted a vehicle before I thought I could unbolt a piece at a time and do it in the garage on winter weekends - will have to be hand painted, but hoping that with some effort put into the prep she'll look ok?
I think I may have caught the Landy-Bug???

Can't quite make up my mind if I enjoy driving her or working on her more??

Looking to get off road soon to have some real fun!!!
Excellent stuff :)

Although I reckon it would look better with slghtly bigger tyres to fill those arches a bit better. I dont tend to like chequer plate but think because you have a galvanised chassis it jsut about gets away with it IMHO :)
I tend to agree with you regarding the chequer plate, and certainly no more intended to be added, but it does stop all the tools rolling off the wing tops and it was a birthday pressie from the missus so couldn't really not put it on!!!!

As you say the galvy thing sort of makes it blend in a bit more, will see what it looks like when I fit the new back.

Think you're also right about the wheels - these are R16x7.50...what do you think I would get away with without danger of fouling either in the wheel arches or against the springs etc on the front? Chucked these on cos they were much bigger than the 8-Spokers, along with the fact that I bought the whole set of five rims and tyres for less than £40.
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Thanks Landybird - already learn't a lot and if I was doing it again would do dozens of things differently... some things better, and some I perhaps wouldn't have done at all... but I suppose you learn through your mistakes eh???

Need to get some niggles sorted - not least the brakes, before I attempt anything too adventurous in her, but took her out for a blast today - bit brave given the weather forecast and no roof... but the sun came out and me and the daughter had a hoot!

Lots of people laughed and pointed - but that seems to be part of the fun of owning a Landy???
lol, brakes are my bugbear at the moment, Pig (my landy:eek: ) had been stood for a couple of months so bled brakes before her MOT last week and she passed fine, now i've been driving her a couple of days the brake pedal has started creeping again:doh: going to order new master cylinder and in the meantime bleed them again:rolleyes: still feels good to be driving her again tho:cool:
OZAWOZA, She is lovley. Its great when you have to space (garage) to do stuff. also time, cash flow and friends help :D I am stuck with mine at the moment as working 5 out of 7 and no garage to mess in after hours or on days off :mad: Good luck with the brakes.
Yeah - I've been lucky and to be honest spent a bit more than I should, but then again going to the pub a little less has helped my waistline. Plus I've had the time lately what with being off work for a while following a neck op.

Looking at the brakes with some trepidation, as never attempted anything like that before, and looking at replacing the rear axle, so thought I'd build the new rear brakes on the axle I got off ebay and then replace the whole thing in one go? Got complete copper pipe set and some extended Goodrich hoses, Lucas cylinders and new brake kits for both front and rear so if the rear goes OK I can then tackle the fronts a little later... will see how I get on, cos at the moment loosing brake fluid through the rear passenger brake at a rate that prohibits journeys of any real length.

To be honest I'm trying to sort things out myself now...had a lot of help over the past 3 months with the rebuild, but I think there comes a time when you got to do things yourself. Only got a small garage myself, but it is dedicated to Gerty (Much to the wifes frustration regarding her own car) and it seems that every time I need to do something I spend as much money getting tools as I do on parts, but I suppose they'll come in handy in the future?

Just ordered a chassis harness as the current one has been bodged so many times I spend more time slicing bits in than I do on anything else...

Anyway the trials and tribulations of a landy eh???
Spent some time on Gerty today... prepped the bonnet for painting, put the tubing trough & fitted the screen washers, plus fitted a new chassis loom. I was having loads of problems with dodgy electrics so bit the bullet and got a new chassis loom from Autosparks. It threaded through a lot easier than I expected, and seems to have sorted out all the problems so happy days

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