Mine is "phantom"

A friend of mine yelled " It looks like phantom" when she first saw it. (I mean the car dudes... don't think naughty:D)


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Bump! - 'cust that's what it did a lot the first time out.

It now also has a Mr. Bump who rides along on the dash, thanks to a rather understanding gf :)

The previous owner was a young lady that was into dragons, and I didnt want a macho name so we ended up with custard the dragon.

Mr Bump is an excellent name, one of my favorite characters as a kid.
Gerty - as in Dirty Gerty...not very original but part of the trade off for me getting her was that the wife could name her (seemed like a fair deal to me????)
"Nineteen" - because I was nineteen when I got her and started her restoration..probably be 40 by the time she's finished..
Never named a vehicle before I got my Land Rover.

My Disco 300tdi is called Swompy because of the registration
My Disco TD5 is called Stinky becauseof the state it was in when we got it

And none of my other vehicles have names, must be a Land Rover thing
the couple i got my series 2 off called it pete......... after the reg plate pte ***L so its kinda stuck
ours is called eve because of the reg.

Was also called the pink peril due to it being pink and a peril.

Soon to be going red though so its new name is squishy! Think she will always be the peril of some sort though!
mines called: either..
gnome (short fat and ugly..)
and it used to be called the red one...then i painted it green :eek::D:D
because i have a dog called Little Nev, he comes every with me and he also goes any where just like my Landy so a few members of the club came up with then name.

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