1. spadgr

    Another Offer from Black Box Solutions !!! Intrested?

    Gidday, i am interested, but live in nz, so not sure if we can work something out as i am exempt vat, though i could be wacked for gst at my end. I may pm bbs guy and see what we can do. CHEERS
  2. spadgr

    OMG mum's done a real bad woopsie!!!!!

    Hey wammers that is sh*t hot advice, i've been repairing cars for years and always used a spare fuel pump hooked up to a battery to pump a tank clean. I can't believe i never thought of doing it your way, so simple. Just goes to show your never too old to learn, even when you think you know it all.
  3. spadgr

    Engine Overheating!!!!!!

    you either have insufficient cooling, or an electrical problem. The fact that it runs ok at low speeds and only overheats at higher speeds indicates a coolant flow or airflow problem. If it was electrical, it probably wouldn't matter what speed you were travelling at. Airflow is simple to check...
  4. spadgr

    Dont know what to do next

    Take off the water pump and check it before you remove any of the heads. If you do a head job on any vehicle you should always physically inspect the water pump and have the radiator flow tested, just for peace of mind.
  5. spadgr

    Engine Overheating!!!!!!

    When it is overheating, stop the engine and feel the radiator all over for cold spots, if it is not the same temp all over it is probably blocked and will need either unblocking or replacing. Look at the fins on the radiator, are they clogged or are they corroded and powdery? if so then they...
  6. spadgr

    Diagnostic Hardware what to buy.

    I want one!!!
  7. spadgr

    Diagnostic Hardware what to buy.

    Still following this thread and still tossing up with the thoughts of buying an obd setup from bbs. Am interested to know, does the bbs thingy actually fix things, or just diagnose the fault, or both? ie, my rangey does a few flowery gear shifts and i am thinking its possibly the tps (throttle...
  8. spadgr

    water pump

  9. spadgr

    front door lock actuators

    Any idea of cost on new ones in the UK? Over here they are @$600 (300 Gbp)
  10. spadgr

    Diagnostic Hardware what to buy.

    Gidday, I have been following this thread and it has been very enlightening. I live in nz and there would only be a handful of repairers nationwide with the capability to access on board diagnostics on LR or RR and as you can guess they charge like wounded bulls. As a result, i have been...
  11. spadgr

    water pump

    Gidday, I am after a water pump for my p38 2.5 dse. I sourced one but it was incorrect and the pirate parts supplier had no other listing. we did a bit of searching through books and found one that is listed for a bmw petrol engine that looks identical, although thetre are a couple of slight...
  12. spadgr

    front door lock actuators

    gidday , i am after a couple of front door lock actuators for my 98 p38 dse. There are no second hand ones available in nz and so i thought i may try and source some from overseas, (uk). Can anybody put me onto a reputable wrecker who may be able to supply parts, probably on a regular basis...
  13. spadgr

    f*#@@$%^d water pump

    I've located 2 non genuine pumps that i can get today at @75quid but as expected the genuine item is no stock locally, ex UK at 275 quid. I think i will take a punt on the pirate part and hope for the best.
  14. spadgr

    f*#@@$%^d water pump

    Never have i been so happy to see a w#%ked water pump. My 2.5 dse overheated WHEN SOMEBODY ELSE WAS DRIVING IT !!!!:mad: and i had visions of cracked heads and scored bores, absolutely papping:eek: myself with the wallet palpitating and all that stuff. I took out the thermostat and put it in a...
  15. spadgr


    Another fix is to fit a one way valve to the fuel supply pipe between the filter and the pump as sometimes the fuel can run back to the tank over a period of time, ie overnight, or if left all day. good luck
  16. spadgr

    hi i have a landrover dico

    If the air con fans are working you could have a blocked radiator. Feel the radiator when its hot, and it should be the same temperature all over, ie no cold spots
  17. spadgr

    So close, but so far away. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

    If you had the air flow meter/sensor unplugged whilst playing under the bonnet and forgot to plug it in again that could cause it to run like that.
  18. spadgr

    heater/air con

    Is there any software available that you can load onto a laptop to access the fault codes, or do you need a scantool to access them?
  19. spadgr

    heater/air con

    ok, so now for my next problem. The heater display shows an icon of an open book with an exclamation mark sometimes. It goes off after a while. I don't think the heater works properly, but it does work to a degree. I guesss the icon comes up for a number of reasons, how do i find out the fault...
  20. spadgr

    Clutch - HELP!!!

    get somebody to press the clutch whilst you look at the slave cylinder and see if the push rod is moving. Also when bleeding the clutch, bleed it slowly, or loosen the bleed nipple, press the clutch down and hold it down till the bleed nipple is tightened, then release the pedal. Reapeat this...