1. Jay reKx

    Tyre Advice

    cant be done. sorry.
  2. Jay reKx

    3 Weeks a Disco Man

    less miles per gallon, more smiles per gallon ;)
  3. Jay reKx

    Herefordshire members....

    the number of landys roughly correlates to the number of farmers, and theres a lot of farmers about!! I'm Tenbury Wells, which is just t'other side of leominster and not a million miles away
  4. Jay reKx

    Hi lift jack

    or make one though that with the spare wheel is a helluva lot of weight to be hanging off your door hinges, they wont appreciate it.
  5. Jay reKx


    thats where you put the food to feed the gerbil.
  6. Jay reKx

    Key Argggghhhhh

    well on the plus side as soon as your new key arrives, you can get the petrol right inside so you can do a thoroughly proper good job burning it. thats if the swedish pikey equivalent hasn't found your old key and helped hisself in the meantime. That would be a shame now wouldn't it.
  7. Jay reKx

    water going straight into oil sump

    gaylander. kill it with fire.
  8. Jay reKx

    Electric mig welders

    Is use a cebora. cracking machine, nice and smooth, does everything I ask of it and never let me down
  9. Jay reKx

    Electric mig welders

    this an electric mig as opposed to a clockwork one?
  10. Jay reKx

    Another interchangeable parts question....

    not a straight swap, but with some fettling they can be made to fit
  11. Jay reKx


    we got a good dusting. considering the rain was smashing it down when I went to bed I'm quite surprised its suck around
  12. Jay reKx

    Is this a Bad Idea?

    that'll be on a Q plate then, surely? done well, and it has the potential to be awesome, just dont do it matt back.
  13. Jay reKx

    2.2 Defender, Am I Mad???

    you do?
  14. Jay reKx

    Key Argggghhhhh

    an excellent opportunity to burn it and be done.
  15. Jay reKx

    Disco 3 battery drain

    battery isolator switch. job done.
  16. Jay reKx

    the landy returns

    so did you pay more for it than you sold it for?
  17. Jay reKx


    boot it around a bit and get it nice and hot for the emissions test, and readjust the handbrake as that only ever works for a couple of weeks at a time so it only gets done once a year for mot. thats it.
  18. Jay reKx

    key broke

    found the other half of the key in the corner of my pocket, so I've just run round the corner to a friend who has a key cutting machine in his shop and he's going to try and cut a new one from the two halves in the morning spare keys are like spare spectacles. I absolutely rely on my glasses...
  19. Jay reKx

    key broke

    drove down town, did my shizzle and came back to unlock the disco and pulled half a key out of my pocket. So caught a ride home. the end. I have two other keys somewhere in this big wide world, but no idea where they are, and they could be anywhere in any one of three different houses and a...
  20. Jay reKx

    Autowatch immobiliser - What does it immobilise?

    if you press it three times it self destructs.