1. Jay reKx

    I would just like to say!!

    discos are way surpassed by almost any similar japanese 4x4 SUV of a similar age and size on road, off road pretty much any japanese SUV 4x4 of similar age ans size will have more comfort and more toys as standard, such as altimeters, rdl, tiltmeters, uppydowny susension electric this, electric...
  2. Jay reKx

    Boot floor - nice surprise!

    do you mean the sedimentor inside the rear chassis leg? if so there is an 11mm nut on top, undo this to drop the sedimentor bowl to inspect/clean it. if you want to bypass it, just cut the fuel lines (I used an angle grinder, but its probably not recommendable) and then use a bit of flexi pipe...
  3. Jay reKx

    impreza seats in disco

    the floors (relatively) flat, can you not just bolt the scooby runners through the floor? you may need to raise them a bit though. it'd be easer and less hassle using the disco runners.
  4. Jay reKx

    noo trailer

    this is cool, but it should be towed by a red disco :rolleyes: now I'm quite tempted to find an old disco body and build it onto the trailer chassis. hmmm :)
  5. Jay reKx

    noo trailer

    trailers are cool. was offered "some old landrover wheels" by a good friend, but when I got there to pick them up they were still attached to an aging horsebox which had sat rotting in a field for 20 years. When he had bought it for carting about his children's ponies a million years ago it...
  6. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    cheers pal, thats exactly the sort of thing I was after JKx
  7. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    thank you, thats great :) cheers JKx
  8. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    why should he have proof? because I am asking for a definition, not opinions or hearsay. This is precisely what the thread was started for. yes, as you so aptly put, it is my responsibility as driver to inform myself of my legal rights and responsibilities. what the feck do you think I am...
  9. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my nut pt2

    I'll have to give that a go tomorrow now, because i cant get at it again tonight. what am I looking for with this? cheers :)
  10. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my nut pt2

    it makes little or no difference to the smoke output with the top intercooler hose removed
  11. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my nut pt2

    it doesn't appear to lose water, I'll check that and get back, thanks
  12. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    how much did it cost you, if you dont mind me asking?
  13. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    this is what I assumed, but do you have any proof, i.e a .gov link or owt to back it up?
  14. Jay reKx

    My build thread: LR1 300TDI

    looking good, bet the 'shop wont stay that tidy and that free of oil stains for long :D tank comes out piece of cake providing there is no towbar. it is possible to get the new tank back in with a towbar present, but I promise you it will be an absolute bitch, it will cause you much pain and...
  15. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my nut pt2

    nobody? :(
  16. Jay reKx

    300tdi doing my nut pt2

    some of you might recall my previous thread begging for help with my brother's disco just over a week ago which turned out to be a rotten pipe on the sender unit. now in true landrover style hers back off the road again, but it doesn't sound like lack of fuel this time. this time she's pouring...
  17. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    wrong again :rolleyes:
  18. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    again :D The weights aren't the issue. what I'm trying to find out definitively if it is, as I suspect, the plated weight that counts, or actual physical weight of the load + trailer
  19. Jay reKx

    clarify towing grammar

    thanks for replying guys, but thats two different answers ... see where the confusion arises :P you're saying that even if the trailers plated with a 3 tonne MAM, if it + the load physically weighs 1.49 tonnes or less thats ok. whereas livers says I cannot tow a 3 tonnes plated trailer...
  20. Jay reKx

    disco mod tyres

    I was under the impression they used BFGs, but I could be, and probably am, wrong.