Jay reKx

Active Member
trailers are cool.

was offered "some old landrover wheels" by a good friend, but when I got there to pick them up they were still attached to an aging horsebox which had sat rotting in a field for 20 years. When he had bought it for carting about his children's ponies a million years ago it was already pretty ancient, so God alone knows how old it really is. the trailer was due to be cut up for scrap as it was assumed to be rusted solid. however after a little investigation it turns out the wheels came off with ease, the towhitch moved and sprung as if it had been greased yesterday and the hubs spun with an unbelied smoothness. The tyres were completely fecked, as one can imagine, so I fetched along a pair of old disco wheels, bolted them on and dragged it out of the field.


now I have no use for a rotten horsebox, so ten minutes with the angle grinder and theres a big, very useable, useful box trailer. Just needs a new floor, a back door and some lights and she's good to go.


so theres another little project to add to the ever accumulating list :)
I got a new to me trailer aswell:

Although it needs a brake refurb Almost done. The old man has rebushed the brake components. I have sored the backplates and shoes. New hub seals here to be fitted and will flush the old hubs and re grease. Then we're good to go!!

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