1. KeepDigging


    Merc still sells the G-Wagen? In the same way that LR still sells the Defender. And the Wrangler has been heavily redesigned over the last couple of releases. In fact, the Wrangler didn't exist at the time the 110 came out - it was the CJ. Since then Jeep have produced the YJ, TJ and JK. It...
  2. KeepDigging

    low range problem

    You're supposed to be stopped when you shift with the little 'un but sometimes, just sometimes, if the speed's low enough and nobody's looking ... Official advice, of course, remains : Stop, Neutral, Shift. Deviate at your own risk.
  3. KeepDigging

    Advice on wheels please

    Since sidewall height (in mm) is first number x second number / 100, 235/70 is about 4mm lower than 225/75. But that's less than the difference between a new tyre and a worn one. Provided you don't have LSDs, diffs shouldn't care at all about different tyre sizes (assuming you don't use...
  4. KeepDigging

    low range problem

    I give mine an extra shove a few yards after going in to low. It doesn't always go fully home first time, especially if I'm stationary when changing. I'll get round to adjusting it sooner or later, honest.
  5. KeepDigging

    How far can MOT testers go with probing for rust?

    No. You had bubbles hiding a hole, whereas now you have just the hole. Should improve the mpg a bit though, being lighter after the test :) Rust bubbles have no structural strength. If the tester has failed it, it needs fixing so get it fixed. Where are you based? Maybe someone on here...
  6. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Discovered the towbar-electrics tester I was lent doesn't work, as the lender predicted so tested electrics with meter and found all to be good. The went for a spin to recharge the battery after all the shunting around for the MOT and discovered the handbrake's unadjusted itself a******gain...
  7. KeepDigging

    Best Sources

    Many thanks Discopol. Did a search on the part numbers and found a lovely diagram of what should be there on the Allbrit.de site. I'll take a look in daylight and see what remains of brackets etc. then order myself the necessary. I've some rubber matting left over from fitting the back...
  8. KeepDigging

    Best Sources

    '94 300TDi. Sorry, should have said. I presumed there should be a strap there because that's what the picture in the book says but at the moment there's nothing I can use to secure anything in the engine bay and I'm getting fed up of jamming bottle jack and wood under the driver's seat so...
  9. KeepDigging

    Best Sources

    My shopping list for the Discovery includes the following: rubber strap for securing jack and chocks under bonnet chocks poles for tarpaulin Okay, the last isn't really Discovery-specific, but will be used to hold a tarp up over the rear door when camping. Where's the best...
  10. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    And it passed :bounce: And I've paid out another wedge of VED for good measure. Bread and water for the rest of the month.
  11. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Added up what needs to be done to the Disco get it fully functional again after the MOT : 1 Buy Dremel (old angle grinder went out in a cloud of smoke) 2 Remove temporary - but secure - rear seat belt mount on w/arch and replace with something tidier (grinding off remains of damaged original...
  12. KeepDigging

    difflock question

    Chock right-hand wheels, jack up left side of car (or vice versa, as you please), release handbrake, put little lever over to left and big lever in neutral. Then, as previously advised, arm yourself with pliers, WD40 and a bit of hope and get dirty. Once you (hopefully) free it up, drop into...
  13. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    No, all 4 are front or central. Haven't actually seen the problem, only discussed it over the phone, but I trust the guy. He's thorough but I've never known him not be right.
  14. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Discussed rusty body mounts with the MOT man He doesn't like them :( But he can replace them :D which sounds like a good idea.
  15. KeepDigging

    LZ 10th Anniversary Celebratory Meet- 9/10/11th May 2014

    If it's passed its MOT by then ... and I don't find I've been promised for other duties.
  16. KeepDigging

    Rear prop rubber ring

    It looks to me that the bolts aren't all parallel, and they should be. Have you got the right spacers/washers in place, and neither of the flanges is damaged ?
  17. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Booked it in for its MOT. Rear seats, spare wheel etc. removal tonight and then I guess I'll find out how bad the rest of it is tomorrow.
  18. KeepDigging

    Land Rover DC100 Defender Replacement

    Emissions aren't really the problem. Re-engining the beast (as has been done a few times) can usually solve that. Safety regs are the problem for the Defender. The EU, US and Asian markets (think India and China as well as ASEAN) are working on harmonising vehicle standards to "keep...
  19. KeepDigging

    Is it Legal to Carbon Fibre a Landie?!

    That would explain it. Thanks. GRP is perfectly adequate for non-structural use. Lotuses and Corvettes (as well as earlier Renault Espaces) have GRP bodyshells, and they're probably not the only things that do. The fibres in GRP are not aligned in any particular direction and so the stuff...
  20. KeepDigging

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Driven it to work - a bit unusual for me but it was too slippery for my usual transport - and consequently discovered that the handbrake is unadjusting itself AGAIN, with the MOT appointment set for later in the week :(