
Active Member
managed to find some loose muddy wet lane to try the transfer box out for about half a mile ish and for some reason in low range i suddenly lost drive so i stopped and selected neutral and high range and tried 1st gear high range and had drive again so i stopped again and reselected low 1st and lifted the clutch and had drive for about 100 yards again then no drive. it's almost as though its slipping out of gear on the transfer box. could this be due to the low range selector lever not fully selecting the low range gear and so need adjusting (if possible) or am i looking at a bigger problem?

my disco is an L reg 200tdi manual with 156000 miles on it. the last owner has used it offroad as i have some muddy photos so i don't think its due to lack of use. also i have to be careful going 1st to 2nd or she has a slight crunch in high range
Has it got an aftermarket radio fitted? Mine was a nightmare until I moved the radio, wouldn't stay in low range as the radio stuck out too far and would knock the lever back into neutral. It's worth checking the simple things first!
Yeah its got an aftermarket head unit that still needs to be fitted in properly as I cant seem to get it to slide home properly so was thinking of having the trim off to see what was stopping it dont think the transfer lever was touching the headunit though. Or do you mean the linkage under the trim might be hitting yhe headunit?
I give mine an extra shove a few yards after going in to low. It doesn't always go fully home first time, especially if I'm stationary when changing.

I'll get round to adjusting it sooner or later, honest.
You're supposed to be stopped when you shift with the little 'un but sometimes, just sometimes, if the speed's low enough and nobody's looking ...

Official advice, of course, remains : Stop, Neutral, Shift. Deviate at your own risk.
I thought that was how you were meant to change between low /high range just as a newbie I wasnt going to start preaching what I dont know lol
right by the looks of the haynes book of lies it is saying that adjustment is done from above by removing the trim and drilling out the rivets that hold the cover over the boxes is this the right way to access the adjustment? or can i get to it from underneth. I have had her up on the 4 poster at work and nosed around but can't see any gear linkages so I'm assuming that I need to go from above

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