
Active Member
my 300tdi does not have diff lock at the mo found out the hard way trying to pull someone out a field and got stuck myself. only front wheels were spininning

is this a common problem. does it mean new transfer box or is it a easier fix
Did you try to engage the diff lock first, or did you assume it just worked when needed?

Biggest issue with these is seizing of the linkage, which is easily cured with WD-40 and an oil can.

It also seizes up when water gets at the steel selector shaft in the alloy housing and sometimes needs stripping to clean up.

Yes I did select low range diff lock first. But there is a rattling noise as well when driving coming from that direction
Oh dear, first u ask " does it mean new transfer box or is it a easier fix" and now "there is a rattling noise as well" so it needs to be investigated, and then whatever is wrong let the forum know then we can say repair or replace. Was diff lock engaged confirmed by the dash lamp illuminating?

Also diff lock won't stop the wheels spinning if there's no grip.
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Diff lock system is spring engaged and disengaged inside the box which means it's not easy to break it yourself

That doesn't however mean there's not an issue

Time to get muddy and oily and climb underneath, engage diff lock manually and establish if and where the fault lies

LT230 is very easy to strip down and there is a handy diff lock access panel also :)
I know the wheels can still spin it was a slight incline grassy muddy field nothing major pulling out a Nissan Note so only a light car. The light was up on dash but whilst trying to pull him only front wheels were spinning back weren't turning at all
Chock right-hand wheels, jack up left side of car (or vice versa, as you please), release handbrake, put little lever over to left and big lever in neutral. Then, as previously advised, arm yourself with pliers, WD40 and a bit of hope and get dirty.

Once you (hopefully) free it up, drop into difflock (and low ratio for that matter) from time to time to say "hello" or the box will go all sulky again.

If it won't free off, do a forum search and there's bound to be a useful set of instructions somewhere. Same tfr box as Defenders of the same vintage.

And find the rattle! Mine was crud in the handbrake drum.
Thanks for the advice I will have a look. The rattle is worse when de accelerating it don't do it when stood at a stand still
Probably your exhaust broke.or a bracket.

I broke my cdl which is central diff lock.and it made a clunk when turning as 2 wheels were diff locked and 2 werent. Box was rebuilt and good as new.

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