1. D

    Snatch Landrover ?

    Might be getting mixed up then but it was a long time ago and in any case it still doesn't make it a snatch.
  2. D

    Snatch Landrover ?

    Insurance companies being what they are might class a modded 3 series as a snatch,As i said earlier they did mod them with Kevlar plating for NI.
  3. D

    Snatch Landrover ?

    You've lost me on that one,The only vehicle with pig in't title was the Hummer pigs or are you being pedantic :rolleyes::D
  4. D

    Snatch Landrover ?

    They did but they were more of a bodge job for NI and not what i would class as a proper snatch (best put landy after that statement) :D
  5. D

    Snatch Landrover ?

    Good point,I didn't consider that and that's from a pro recovery bod :doh::hysterically_laughi
  6. D

    Snatch Landrover ?

    I don't see what difference it makes to the AA they should still come out even if it takes them longer to get to what they need to and besides,the Armour shouldn't hinder them unless it's a drive train problem.
  7. D


    Amongst other things i always install at least two OS's so if one goes down you can still access everything via the other.
  8. D

    Cough up - who was it!?

    I don't see why, even if it leaks a bit as long as the bilge pumps working it takes a lot to sink them. I remember back in the 80's some squaddy nicking one and getting half way across the channel with it.Can't remember whether he ran out of fuel or got caught but it certainly didn't sink.
  9. D

    Cough up - who was it!?

    You don't need swim kit to go in the drink as the wheel rotation propels them along,It's just steering the feckers that's a problem. I lost count of the amount of stollys i removed the swim kit from but i believe you can still get hold of them. I would love to own one but the first job would...
  10. D

    How do i remove airbag?

    Iv'e never had one off but one thing i do know is you have to make sure there is no power to it,there can still be enough residual to set it off even with the battery removed so leave it for a while after the battery is removed to be on the safe side.
  11. D

    Antena cable run?

    It's a bit fiddly but you could try threading a welding rod through and taping the coax to that and pulling it through.
  12. D

    Antena cable run?

    You don't say whether it's petrol or diesel but as long as the rig and setup are screened properly it shouldn't make much difference tbh. If it's petrol just try and keep the mast and runs as far away from the engine bay as poss hth.
  13. D


    Looks like the Darwin list needs updating-----------------W@nkers:mad:
  14. D

    wot no simex

    My house is set back about 15/20 mtrs away from a busy A road and the only time it's quiet is when it's gridlocked. It's got a 40 limit on the road and the noise is unbearable but a lot of this is to do with the road surface. I battled for years to get the council to either drop the speed limit...
  15. D

    wot no simex

    Best they start slapping extra tax on all the fookin boy racers with exhausts bigger than a bigger thing and scooby drivers as well then,Oh and fookin Harleys as well:mad:
  16. D

    Possibly suicide is the only way out - Series 3 info request

    Or put another way-no but,yeah but,no but,yeah but,no but, yeah but :D
  17. D

    Cellulose paint supplier on ebay

    Careful bud at the very least it will give you a thick head in the morning. I used to work for a coach firm back in the 80's when they had wooden chassis and one of my jobs was to spray the chassis with red lead but they were too tight to buy thinners so i had to use petrol. now apart from the...
  18. D

    demolishing wheel bearings

    All i can say there then is the bearings that were on there must of totally collapsed or i would of driven it out anyway knackered or not.
  19. D

    demolishing wheel bearings

    Why would you change bearings and not the seals :confused: for what they cost that is madness.
  20. D

    demolishing wheel bearings

    You don't explain how you re- build the hub up when you replace the bearings but forgive me if it's suck eggs time :rolleyes: When you first fit the hub back on the stub axle tighten the hub nut whilst rotating the hub until you get a decent amount of resistance then back it off. I would also...