
Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Need to take airbag off my steering wheel on my 300 shape disco, wanted see if theres a nack to it before i start breaking stuff haha
Iv'e never had one off but one thing i do know is you have to make sure there is no power to it,there can still be enough residual to set it off even with the battery removed so leave it for a while after the battery is removed to be on the safe side.
just unplug it and put it some were safe ,it will only have power to it if wires have a short or system fails in a way that ecu thinks impacts occurred ,it would be unluck if that happened at the same time as you unplugged it ,but theoretically possible ,
I disconnect the battery to be on the safe side, couple of screws behind the steering wheel (torx bits if i remember correctly), pull the air bag out and the plugs on the back just pull off... simples!
I disconnect the battery to be on the safe side, couple of screws behind the steering wheel (torx bits if i remember correctly), pull the air bag out and the plugs on the back just pull off... simples!

Cheers will be giving that ago this weekend, thing theres a problem with steering coupler as no horn or cruise control and srs light is on :D

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