1. D

    Quick thank you, Probably not to anybody on LZ though.

    Green legs:eek: you got Gangrene :hysterically_laughi
  2. D

    Bonjour !

    Bugger,I thought you was a frog for a minute and was about to tell you to feck off after what happened in the channel :D:D:welcome2:
  3. D

    tool needed for replacing external cross member screws

    Nobody going to mention grinder,cutting discs and the daddy of them all the trusty gas axe :D:D
  4. D


    I thought ALL lights fitted had to work:confused:
  5. D


    No law against it:confused: but a bit of common sense prevails sometimes,ie the type of load and how secure it is. I NEVER have agreed with towing an artic and trailer together be it loaded or not as i think it's dangerous. it's OK to move it a small distance to get it out of danger to itself or...
  6. D


    I'm in the heavy recovery game and all i can say is he must of been a very sloppy operator. If the towed vehicle is sat on the boom forks/pedestals correctly and chained correctly there is no way it's coming off unless something fails and then it can't be classed as an unsecure load but...
  7. D

    Just dont know what to say.

    :hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi :wtf: someones taking the pi$$ here surely (yes i know,don't call me etc) this things only saving grace is the colour as it will blend with the rust FFS:D
  8. D

    Chassis Repairs

    Seamless welding would involve a lot more work as you would have to cut out the rot and make a plate to fit flush with the rest of the steel,then after welding,grind down the weld so it's flush. If were talking expensive motors then fair enough but you've got to ask yourself is it worth the...
  9. D

    Chassis Repairs

    None of you mentioned if your any good at mechanics or welding but if not and you have to pay for the work to be done it will cost you a kings ransom over the years. Secondly,you can weld what the hell you like onto whatever as long as you don't mess with the overall setup of the running gear...
  10. D

    towing trailer on motorway with "L" plates

    NO you need a class 1C+E :D
  11. D

    Lost malmut husky on Salisbury plain

    Hope he turns up safe and well. I take it all the relevant avenues have been pursued to try and track him down. Lovely dog so it would be a shame if somethings happened to him.
  12. D

    Biofuel timebomb (article)

    Depends on what machinery you have to hand but the valve and valve seats need to be chrome plated otherwise one or the other or both will :flame::D
  13. D

    Biofuel timebomb (article)

    This is old news as i read/heard about this quite a while back but did you really expect anything different to the norm underhand backstabbing mutherfookers they call a democratic government,"WELL,DO YOU FEEL LUCKY PUNK" DO YA :D :mooning::hysterically_laughi
  14. D

    CB radio problem

    +1 on that cb's are a finicky pain in the arse at the best of times so by wiring direct to a dc supply will at least eliminate faulty wiring :)
  15. D

    The best exhaust sealant?

    Just for a temp measure you can use the paste and a cut up coke tin (other brands are available :D)wrapped around held with jubilee clips. I did this on an exhaust that snapped completely in half and it lasted six months:eek:
  16. D

    the biggest dummy award

    :hysterically_laughiI suggest you get some spannering practice on armoured vehicles,You tend to glance over ya shoulder more to see if out's in the way :D
  17. D

    Buying a landy for fishing

    I normally use a boat,they tend to float better :D
  18. D

    Kick start?

    But the way the bloke in the vid did it was by putting his full weight on his left leg.If that had kicked back he would of been off balance to start with and have no chance of removing his leg in time.
  19. D

    Kick start?

    If the engine kicks back you stand the risk of a broken ankle,for the same reason you always keep your thumb on the same side of the handle as your fingers are.
  20. D

    anyone interested in a rare RR Classic TT ?
