
New Member
i have to claim this award i will explain but please if you feel you can top it please feel free to post on here

my discovery td5 i have had fuel issues after removing engine and box to replace flywheel back to fuel, so decided to cut main fuel line:doh: to fit a clear in line filter big mistake as the plastic pipe cant be resealed bodged it for now till i can get a replacement tried purgeing it and now no air but whilst checking it all again spotted crank sensor was broken pushed it in and it started straight away 6 wasted hours tried to move it now clutch not working hoping that bleeding system will do it so top that if you can
Not recently, a few years ago when I had a series 3, had it on axle stands with wheels off to replace front springs.

No idea how it happened, but I only replaced the drivers side front wheel. Dunno how, ****wittery I guess, but didn't notice or realise as it was lowered down!! Literally seconds before I set off to test them, engine running in gear and foot just about to lift off the clutch, Juliet (the wife) banged on the window shouting to ask if I wanted a cuppa before going out!

Luckily I did ...
Can I nominate me for today's award please.
Just changed the track rod ends on my 110. Stripped it down last night after work and left it sitting on the axle stands.
Got the parts today, put it all back together after work, and tried to move the wheels from side to side to check for play (still on the axle stands). Nothing. Couldnt move the wheels at all. Locked solid.
Studied it, cursed it, kicked it, cursed it some more, then gave up and went for a coffee and a sulk.
Only when I sat down that I realized that the keys where still in my pocket.... Steering lock was on !!
Just the perfect end to a bad day!
you may have it for today but the odds are that i will claim the title again as i am going for engine out new clutch and slave cylinder tommorow :)
It's a known fact that although there is extra height to be gained by putting the rear wheels on ramps, the extra height gained does NOT mean that even little feckers like me can sit up after examining the rear diff flange/seal ...

Thought I'd broke me nose again .. Doesn't look much in the pic but jeez did it, and boy does it continue to, hurt. Think I'll have a shiner in the morrow as the bruising is only just coming out!

Has to be said, you're right .. but it's a feckin' painful scratch .. headaches and blurred vision. Think I gave meself a right clonk!

Yup, I heard it up here in Scotland.

I always seem to nut my noggin on the bits with sharp edges. A wee concussion can be nasty....
I've left me tool box & all me tools in BB's workshop. How fooking stoopid am I??
last month, trying to take off the rear axle stub, undoing a bolt and had my head right next to the wrench, nut finally gave and full on sucker punched myself in the side of head in the temple.

there were stars and had to stop and sit down for a bit.......decided to call it a day after that.

Sometimes you just have to stop, cos its just not your day!
It's a known fact that although there is extra height to be gained by putting the rear wheels on ramps, the extra height gained does NOT mean that even little feckers like me can sit up after examining the rear diff flange/seal ...

Thought I'd broke me nose again .. Doesn't look much in the pic but jeez did it, and boy does it continue to, hurt. Think I'll have a shiner in the morrow as the bruising is only just coming out!

:hysterically_laughiI suggest you get some spannering practice on armoured vehicles,You tend to glance over ya shoulder more to see if out's in the way :D

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