1. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Looks like there's still a few people still on this thread I remember. Anything much been happening?
  2. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Haven't been about much, had loads of things going on. Landy's off the road with a nackered gearbox and just not been that motivated to sort it out yet, but if anyone's got a gearbox and T-box for a 300tdi Discovery i need one, Cheers.
  3. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    OIHi everyone I haven't had much time to get on hear for a while, but I have just been given some bad news. I contacted one of Boogers friends yesterday because I hadn't seen any new post on his facebook page for the trip abroad. I was given the sad news thismorning that Booger had a heart...
  4. Kris 300TDI

    Vehicle transport

    Hi Dave, i'm in Redhill Surrey, but happy to do any distance.
  5. Kris 300TDI

    Vehicle transport

    Sorry about being a bit slow picking up on the posting, was away on holiday. What Ryder said is true, wouldn't be able to do it any cheaper than £125 as i would have to cover my cost of getting there, CHEERS.
  6. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Looking to get down to Roundhill woods this time, what day are you planing to get down there? Think i have the Sunday free.
  7. Kris 300TDI

    P38 emergency clacton

    Been away for a few days, just picked up my messages today. I've got diagnostic tools that will clear the fault, but Clacton would be a bit far for me to go. If you can't get anything sorted try and make to Surrey and I'll have a look, CHEERS.
  8. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Happy birthday Brett.
  9. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Hi everyone. Can't make it to this one got to work, but will be at the next one for sure been raelly out of touch with things.
  10. Kris 300TDI

    Surrey greenlanes?

    Think i might be free to get out on Sunday.
  11. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    I ordered some of these up yesterday, put up with wobbly steering at 50mph for long enough now. The link to the site was very handy haven't seen these for sale on any sites for a while now, nice one Bret.
  12. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    If you give some one enough rope there hang themselves, 100 ropes they've really got it in for you.
  13. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    spam there's a thread for that sort of thing.
  14. Kris 300TDI

    Vehicle transport

    Can hardly be spam when it's in a section called Courier Service and in a thread headed Vehicle transport. To think it related to anything else you would have to be a bit thick in the head.
  15. Kris 300TDI

    Vehicle transport

    It's green, but not a Landy. Haven't move anything for a Landyzone member for a while now.
  16. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Problems sorted now, will be at the pub meet later.
  17. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Want to get down there tomorrow, but still got a few things to sort out before i really know what's going on.
  18. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Waiting for the full report from Land Rover, but can't see that it needed that much spent on it as we've done them before with very few problems. Was hoping to do this one and get some free fuel as my Diesel Escort runs on any old Sh*t.
  19. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Land Rover will be loosing customers when they do things like this as well. One of the diesel Discovery 4 hire vehicles at work had petrol put in by mistake. The guy that had it on hire agreed to pay to have it sorted thinking the bill would be a few hundred pounds, bill came in today from the...
  20. Kris 300TDI

    Hertfordshire Lanes?????

    Interesting day out, well done everyone for doing their bit to help out. Booger has given your £20 pounds to me Bret, Will bring it to the next pub meet mate, will catch up with everyone soon, CHEERS.