I dont think it's the kind of thing anyone is likely to have lying around, but I would pay £50 to get a secondhand one by Tuesday. Can collect.
Doh I've gotta shoot to lee valley Sat pickup some bits. Sunday i'm getting the trialer ready to be trailered so I can get on with the darn thing! Need it finished now it's starting to pee or orff!
Not really it's he welding on the chassis rear spring hangers that's annoying so will get that sorted while on a ramp then I can do the bodywork bolt it back together and use the damn thing!

Anyone going
Yea im going to take a wonder up there for 8. Not in landy though as its not on the road at the moment.
Same as that! Just seems everything I do leads into another problem atm. Tyres were wearing thin so put four 2nd hand tyres on. One of which had a puncture :mad: with the rear wheels off I noticed the disc were in pretty bad nick. Go to buy new disc and pads, turns out my 110 shouldn't have discs. So have to go home take an old one off to measure up for which disk I need. Just tried fitting the new ones and there isn't enough room in the calliper for the disk and new pads, Wtf! Think I'm cursed :(
Can do photos tomorrow morning. Stutab, I measured the two pads and the disk at 49mm and the gap in the calliper ignoring the pistons at 48mm. Somethings not right.
I'm assuming there are different thicknesses of pads. If I can find some down the shop first thing, with the same profile and a bit thinner I'm sorted. If not its out with the grinder.

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