1. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Liking the wagon wheel plinth thingy for flattening, the English wheel sounds is if it will help but who knows until you try it....
  2. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    That looks old - has it got WD with an arrow stamped on it?
  3. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Wondered what you were up to - was missing my online fettling and fabricating lessons :)
  4. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Great stuff, keep the updates coming!
  5. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Tangent = angle? I looked at the Zircon and thought it's bent at a bit of an angle BTW the welding trolley looks useful, should be better to have all the gear in one place
  6. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    I think the grotty bashed zincor is heading off on a bit of a tangent :)
  7. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Tangents are good and usually quite entertaining
  8. Headtester

    LR4 bonnet catch woes

    Have you adjusted the bump stop on the underside of the bonnet itself? My bonnet wouldn't close properly on my Disco 3 and this fixed it in a few seconds.
  9. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Still following the thread with interest - what's the variable speed gear box for?
  10. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Blimmin' marvellous, keep the updates coming!
  11. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    You should keep the packaging as part of your "Provenance" :)
  12. Headtester

    Disco 2 Drag Link Replacement

    I replaced one of mine on my old disco 2 with an OEM one and wished I done for the heavy duty ones. IIRC on the ones you are looking at you can replace just the ball joints if they go again
  13. Headtester

    Disco 3 (LR3) Tow bar stuck

    Thanks very much lynal, that's really helpful. I'm on the dico3 forum, looks pretty straightforward - I might just have a bash at making one. Managed to get my stuck towbar freed off, all fettled and copper slipped now so works fine.
  14. Headtester

    Disco 3 (LR3) Tow bar stuck

    Thanks lynall, the tow bar is sloppy at the moment to say the least so need to be able to remove it to fettle it and see if its engaging properly. Will have a look at the the spare wheel too
  15. Headtester

    Disco 3 (LR3) Tow bar stuck

    Thanks - want to get the blimmin' thing off first so I can have a gander.
  16. Headtester

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Part ex'd the Disco 2 for a Disco 3 - early days yet but well pleased so far
  17. Headtester

    Disco 3 (LR3) Tow bar stuck

    So I've got a new Disco 3 and the removable tow bar is stuck. The red key turns but the green unlocking knob won't turn - any ideas?
  18. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Ahh - didn't realise rust isn't magnetic, fascinating project, keep the updates coming
  19. Headtester

    1965 Series 2a Station Wagon in Holland

    Been following this thread for ages as it's one of the best. If you've been cleaning steel can you use a magnet to pick up some of the "sacrificed" material?
  20. Headtester

    Disco 3 tow bar electrics.

    Does this link help? Click