James McCabe

New Member
Hello everyone.

New to the forum. Got myself a 2013 LR4 yesterday having have Alfa Romeo for years alongside the usual German guff for a company car. I've also a couple of motorbikes and average handy with tinkering / getting my hands dirty.

Anyhoo, I'm having a problem with getting the bonnet to latch on the passenger side. Driver side is fine and the safety latch also. The passenger side does work as if tested it with a screwdriver and it locks but when the bitten goes down it's like it doesn't quite reach, or the ubolt runs out of length.

I've taken off the latch and given it a good clean but i think it works fine. I've adjusted it up and down and side to side (was getting desperate) but no joy.

What should I do. Seems such a simple thing and it's bugging me I can't fix it. Degrudge paying the stealers to fix it.

Any help appreciated. I've done a load of searches but most relate to the lever and cables which are all find and working.
Cheers folks!
Have you adjusted the bump stop on the underside of the bonnet itself? My bonnet wouldn't close properly on my Disco 3 and this fixed it in a few seconds.
Have you adjusted the bump stop on the underside of the bonnet itself? My bonnet wouldn't close properly on my Disco 3 and this fixed it in a few seconds.

Hi. Yep I have indeed - read that suggestion on a previous thread. It's on the minimum setting now so should lock. Cheers for the thought though.
Right, I've realised now that the catch is fubar. Seems a piece has come off and disapeared so I'll be off to the stealer for a new one tomorrow.

Looks like a simple swap - anything I should watch out for?

See the right side of the catch has a bit missing

Not sure what the bit on the right with the smaller spring is doing....as the U bolt comes in, it pushes the centre piece down, which rotates the catch on the left over the top and locks it with the spring. What does the bit on the right bring to the party?

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