1. Podge Abersoch

    Cracked Radiator

    I had that thought in the back of my head for some reason. How much was the head any idea? Looks like i might be busy over the christmas break. Thanks
  2. Podge Abersoch

    Cracked Radiator

    Hi, I've got a P38 2.5TD Last night my raditor cracked on the top bit. Is this common as i wasnt pushiung the engine i was just driving round town. Didnt notice my temp gauge move. Im just wondering if the is a reason why this may of gone? Thanks
  3. Podge Abersoch

    Switch Pack

    Ok, thanks. Looks like ive got abit more to do at the weekend.
  4. Podge Abersoch

    Switch Pack

    Hi on my P38 are the window switches meant to light up when the lights are on? Thanks
  5. Podge Abersoch

    P38 Air con Problems

    Hi, im also havin probs with my aircon, when the say about the 'ETM' onr rangervoers.net what are they talking about there as i could do with a copy?
  6. Podge Abersoch

    Ive been challenged to a 4x4 vs 4x4 duel.

    Hi as suggested ive been challenged to a duel against my younger brother. He currenlty has the 2.4d single cab Hilux and i have a P38 2.5td. Does anyone know were the is a 4x4 centre close to Chester so i can show him what the rangey is made of?:D Also any tips would be good. Thanks
  7. Podge Abersoch


    Hi, ive got some on mine. I got mine for £100 plus vat including fitting. Went to costco and they wanted £170 all in for one michelin. So depending were you are i can put you in touch with the people i got mine from? Im on the Wirral near chester and liverpool?
  8. Podge Abersoch

    EAS Loom P38

    Hi, I’ve done mine when I first got it. I think they were just under the bottom left corner of the glove box. Ones bigger than the other. I just cut one wire at a time and cut the bad bit out and replaced it with fresh stuff. Isn’t too difficult to do but make sure...
  9. Podge Abersoch

    P38, Air to Coil, How much?

    Does this come with the electric pack to shut off the eas warning?
  10. Podge Abersoch

    2003 RR Vogue noisey fan

    Sound like your viscous cooling fan is stuck on, i replaced mine with on from ebay the otehr week as the same happened to mine and it had the same problems.
  11. Podge Abersoch

    Cubby Box

    You have got to be care full with ebay sometimes. I was going to buy a dash mat from ebay (@ £21.99) and checked the dealer just before i purchased it and it was only £10 plus the VAT. So i would check the dealer for them. I think i need one because mine has poped up since the day i got it.